Searching through files with Windows 7

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 7

    Searching through files with Windows 7

    I switched from XP to 7 this year. I really enjoyed my time with XP especially because of the layout and I knew I would lose certain features like the way I could so easily search for files like mp3's and videos through my external hard drives. I do extensive film editing professionally, although im a bit disorganized as I am currently using two external hard drives and I am looking for some recordings I made from August 2011 but its difficult to find them because I don't have the same search features that Windows XP had compared to Windows 7. Can someone help me find a program possibly or something to help me look for files through date ranges, type of file be it an image, audio, movie, or text document, and size all at the same time? That would be very helpful to me. Thank you.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,330
    Multi-Boot W7_Pro_x64 W8.1_Pro_x64 W10_Pro_x64 +Linux_VMs +Chromium_VM

    Try File Locator Lite - it's free and easy to use.
    FileLocator Lite - Free File Searching Utility
      My Computer


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