I get a file name warning for some folder called "C:\Program" ?

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  1. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    You just ran a DIR command and c:\Programs did not show up.

    The directory may have been there at one time.

    At the time you ran the DIR command, the file was not there.
    As evidenced by the output of the dir command that you submitted.
    Just 3 posts back
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,458
    x64 (6.3.9600) Win8.1 Pro & soon dual boot x64 (6.1.7601) Win7_SP1 HomePrem

    Is there a checkbox to perform this check at startup?
    If the file returns, is the content the same as what parmiter describes? you mentioned removing programs you no longer used, was Citrix one of them?
    Do you recall ever running Imdiag?

    Just posting what I found - I defer to Karl.

    http://www.parmiter.com/microsoft/windows-2003/2009/06/RP601 said:
    File Name Warning: There is a file or folder on your computer called c:\program causing problems. Rename?

    Posted on June 26th, 2009
    Have seen the following error while logging onto a server:
    File Name Warning
    There is a file or folder on your computer called “c:\program” which could cause certain applications to not function correctly. Renaming it to “c:\program1″ would solve this problem. Would you like to rename it now?
    Rename | Ignore

    This error occurred on a server that has previously been a Citrix License server and the tool lmdiag.exe had been run on the server creating the following file:
    in the root of the c: drive.
    Opening this file in notepad shows:
    lmdiag – Copyright (c) 1989-2006 Macrovision Europe Ltd. and/or Macrovision Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    FLEXlm diagnostics on Thu 9/6/2009 09:46
    To resolve the problem, simply remove or rename the file
    It seems that lmdiag has a bug or coding error which generated this rogue file.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6,458
    x64 (6.3.9600) Win8.1 Pro & soon dual boot x64 (6.1.7601) Win7_SP1 HomePrem

    Karl - it is there but Program, not Programs!

    desktop said:
    Karl, here's the command prompt results:

    Volume in drive C has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is 0275-3BF8

    Directory of C:\

    09/11/2012 02:38 PM <DIR> Autoruns
    02/23/2012 01:12 PM <DIR> brodnt
    05/23/2012 12:20 AM <DIR> mp3-quality-modifier
    03/14/2012 12:11 PM <DIR> NVIDIA
    07/13/2009 11:20 PM <DIR> PerfLogs
    05/25/2012 06:17 PM <DIR> ProcessExplorer
    10/06/2009 11:57 AM 96 Program
    09/10/2012 02:45 PM <DIR> Program Files
    09/10/2012 03:14 PM <DIR> Program Files (x86)
    08/09/2012 03:01 PM <DIR> SSA
    07/03/2012 01:24 PM <DIR> Users
    04/23/2012 09:07 PM <DIR> VueScan
    09/11/2012 10:32 AM <DIR> Windows
    1 File(s) 96 bytes
    12 Dir(s) 237,760,684,032 bytes free

    The other files you wanted are attached.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    Nope. That is a file with the name of "96 Program"

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    I want you to run a one-line powershell script which will put a file called:
    DirOfRoot.txt on your desktop.

    Attach that file.

    WIN key | type POWERSHELL | do NOT hit ENTER |
    in the PROGRAMS list, right-click on WINDOWS POWERSHELL |
    choose "Run as administrator" |
    Click on the YES button (if such appears)

    COPY the script using CTRL+C,
    PASTE into Powershell
    ---Right-Click at the PowerShell Prompt
    ---(Ctrl+V does not work)

    WIN key = key with Microsoft logo on top

    dir $env:systemdrive\ -force  $env:userprofile\desktop\DirOfRoot.txt 
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 90
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    karlsnooks said:
    You just ran a DIR command and c:\Programs did not show up.

    Ok, so when i run that attrib | clip command and still get....

    A H C:\.BridgeLabelsAndRatings
    A SH I C:\hiberfil.sys
    A SH C:\pagefile.sys
    A C:\Program

    ...how can it not be there when it obviously is?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 6,458
    x64 (6.3.9600) Win8.1 Pro & soon dual boot x64 (6.1.7601) Win7_SP1 HomePrem

    Methinks it is a 96 byte file called Program, but who am I. Just thought I'd jump in, now I'm jumping out. Good luck

    karlsnooks said:
    Nope. That is a file with the name of "96 Program"

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 90
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    Karl, here's the file.....
    I get a file name warning for some folder called &quot;C:\Program&quot; ? Attached Files
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 10,796
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bits 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    PFFFF long thread. I'm almost sure it's another problem!
    Assume the following command:

    C:\test test\auto nopurge

    does that run C:\test.exe with parameters test\auto nopurge. answer is yes
    But someone could also think of:
    run C:\test test\auto.exe with parameter nopurge

    Somewhere in registry is something wrong!
    C:\program files\blabla /someswitch
    tries to run C:\program.exe !
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    Now we are getting somewhere.

    that is a FILE with a length of 96.

    You do not have a folder named Program.

    You do have a file named Program.

    The file has a length of 96 bytes.

    So let's delete that file.

    Run Powershell as an administrator
    run following commands
    cd $env:systemdrive\
    del Program -force
    dir $env:systemdrive\ -force

    Now is that Program file gone? Yes/no.

    If yes, reboot and see if the file shows up again.
      My Computer

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