Hello Everyone! I just got a role in IT as Desktop Support so I am a newbie.
Just got a user on the network that received this error upon logging onto her machine. I read through the posts and it seems as though Desktop was able to solve the issue by locating the file- Program and removing it. Was it really that simple or...?
I just found this topic and thought I'd add: I got this problem and it was seemingly due to the open-source software PDFCreator, which had installed itself to a subdirectory of C:\Program. I wonder if this is a bug with the installer system, because I certainly didn't specify that directory during the installation. This is pure speculation, but maybe the installer has a problem parsing spaces in directory names, and "Program Files" became "Program." Just a thought.
I know this is a bit late however I just got the same message, why I ask, well I have been working at the command line and using redirection to create files. If you do not use Quotes around a command like
arp -a >"c:\Program anything valid" but type arp -a >Program anything valid instead then the redirection writes a file Program to the root directory of C: with no contents. so now we have created the condition without any external input.
The next issue is the file applications you have installed I have not perused this to the fullest however I think the message is a result of a file integrity check, upon finding the file name not knowing if it is created maliciously, accidentally or deliberately the system warns the user.
I threw this into this as this could happen to any user using the command line manually.
If you remember using the command line and getting an error when using redirection and you have been writing to the Program files directory then that's why the message not by malicious activities, could save you hours of distress and unnecessary system troubleshooting.