HELP Me delete this Folder Please

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  1. Posts : 40
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Jacee said:
    This may have to do with a driver that was downloaded.
    what driver would that be?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 40
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter


    Golden said:
    I think that folder is part of your previous installation. before we try to delete it, can you confirm that if you disconnect that drive, that your computer still boots up and operates normally?
    PC boot fine and worked with no problems, So i tried this on all accounts.

    Golden said:
    OK. If it does, you can delete that folder safely - this was what I was wanting to check.

    To delete it, there are a few options. Try this first :

    1. Right-click on the folder, click Properties.
    2. Now click the Security tab. Click the Edit button.
    3. Select your user account name and then place a tick in Full Control.
    4. Click Apply and OK to close the panel.
    HELP Me delete this Folder Please-sec.png

    And finally this

    bobafetthotmail said:
    A couple ideas:

    - While it's not exactly something everyone has on hand (although hey, who does not have a friend with a mac nowadays?), what about using a non-windows computer like a mac or a linux live-cd/USB on your computer to delete such files.

    Any non-windows OS isn't treating those folders and files as his precious treasure like windows OSs do.
    For them, they are all the same businness. I already used my trusty Puppy linux USB to replace some OS files that were not accessible otherwise (and were causing issues), and it's a breeze after you figure out how its filemanager interface works .

    -I had some longish-named undeletable files into folders and windows refused to delete them, a disk check found them as filesistem errors and removed them (It ran after a defrag I did for completely unrelated reasons).
    HELP Me delete this Folder Please-yes.png

    So cheers Guy's that's another lesson learnt for Me. thanks for all your Help.
      My Computer

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