oxc00000e9 randomly started weeks after laptop dropped

  1. Posts : 1
    win 7 64

    oxc00000e9 randomly started weeks after laptop dropped

    so my girlfriends laptop yesterday had a windows update. after it reboted, it would come to the windows boot manager screen saying 0xc00000e9, a unexpected i/o error. apperantly she dropped it a few weeks ago. but i wasnt sure that had anything to do with it. so i went and checked and removed and rehooked up all the drives and hdd. and i noticed one of the ram chips wasnt locked in anymore. so i relocked that too. and to no avail. i cant get into safe mode, or anything else. i made a recovery disk with my laptop, running 7 ultimate 64 bit. i get it to load up to the point where it says chose your country ( for the keyboard i guess) and it just sits there with a mouse pointer on the screen and nothing else. for about 20 mins i let it sit and nothing happened. i rean a seagate hdd diag tool. and that wouldnt run past 2% without errors. so i am not sure at all what to do. or what real damage is done to the HDD, and since i cant get into checkdisk i cant find out either.
    anyone else have any ideas on what i can do
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,641
    Dual-boot: Windows 7 HP 32-bit SP1 & Windows XP Pro 32-bit SP2.

    It sounds like the hard-drive is damaged.
      My Computer


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