vivek pecqurel said:
I Have Setup A BIOS password.
Is it True That a BIOS password can be deleted I mean reset by any other guy who don't know the password by Removing the battery of the motherboard? If yes How to prevent this

Please clear this to me guys.

Thanks in advance:)

Removing a laptops battery can NOT be used to reset/clear a BIOS password once it has been set. The process can be done, ... but only with the use of very specifically designed scripting/coding. If you don't presently need your BIOS password cleared, your question is answered. Be sure to write down and save the BIOS password before setting it.

The same answer goes for people who chose to password protect their hard drives. My recommendation is to NEVER password protect your hard drive if there's even the remotes chance the password will be lost or forgotten. When you password protect a hard drive, The password itself is stored on that specific hard drive (instead of in the BIOS). ALL data stored on a password protected hard drive becomes encrypted. The encryption algorithm is entirely dependent on the password used to protect the drive. If you lose/forget the password, you lose all data on the hard drive. Lose the password and you've just created a new desktop paperweight. There is, however, a very small chance of recovering the hard IF you know someone with access to very specific coding that can work to clear the password on a small number of drives.