Windows 7 Crashes at Boot Manager after Deleting Windows 8 Dual Boot

  1. Posts : 3

    Windows 7 Crashes at Boot Manager after Deleting Windows 8 Dual Boot

    Hi all,

    I followed some instructions to remove the Windows 8 Dual Boot by just deleting the Windows 8 Partition and that there was no need to edit the boot menu as everything will be done automatically after restart.

    Now, when I tried to reboot my computer, the computer hangs at the screen where you are suppose to select to boot up Windows 7 or Windows 8.

    As I had deleted Windows 8 Already, it should not prompt me to select to boot Windows 8 but rather directly boot into Windows 7.

    How should I proceed from here ? I am currently installing Fedora Dual Boot on my laptop so hopefully I am able to do some salvaging from there....

    Thanks in advance !

    Warmest Regards,
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,711
    Win 7 Pro 64-bit 7601

    Take a windows 7 installation DVD/USB thumbdrive, boot from it, select "I want to repair my computer" and then do a "startup repair".
      My Computer

  3.    #3

    Confirm the Win7 partition or its 100mb System Reserved partition (preferred if you have it) is Partition Marked Active .

    Then run Startup Repair - Run up to 3 Separate Times .

    In the future make sure the System Active flags are on the boot partition of the OS you want to keep before deleting any others.
      My Computer


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