Locked folders in Win 7 32

  1. Posts : 12
    Windows 7

    Locked folders in Win 7 32

    New to Win 7, my Documents and settings folder and Windows folders are locked. I am the administrator, but it won't let me in. ??
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,663
    Windows 8.1 Pro x64

    Hello dicrho1, welcome to SevenForums!

    These aren't actually folders, they're junction points that Windows uses for compatibility reasons. Because they changed the structure of your user folder, they added these junctions so software wouldn't crash or get confused when trying to read from the Documents and Settings folder. The only problem is, you can't follow these junctions by double clicking on them as they are just for software. Firstly, you shouldn't be able to see these as they are hidden, so to avoid any further confusion you might want to consider not showing hidden files:

    How To Hide Hidden Files and Folders in Windows 7

    Now for where the new folders are!

    Documents & Settings -> C:\Users
    My Documents -> C:\Users\{Your username}\Documents
    My Music -> C:\Users\{Your username}\Music
    Application Data -> C:\Users\{Your username}\AppData

    Get the idea? :)

      My Computer


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