Administrator problem in Win7 Home Premium for certain programs
A digital artists nightmare!
Hi, I've searched numerous places and did loads of Googling but cannot find a proper solution to this problem I am having:
I am using Windows 7 Home premium. I have had it for two years. For the past three weeks or so I have been having this Administrator problem affecting certain programs that were once working fine. These are programs that I use frequently but Windows is no longer recognizing my administrative rights and not allowing me to perform simple tasks like saving new files into my own folders. I am the only one who uses this computer. I do have administrator privileges. I have gone over the security details of the files and programs in question and my administrator rights and full access are all checked off. I have even checked the administrative rights of my Windows account! Yet still, no matter what happens I continue to get errors such as:
You do not have permission to save in folder
Contact the administrator for permission. Would you like to save in the MyMusic or MyPictures (depending on the file) instead?
Here are the things that I have tried doing:
I have tried using the hidden administrator account on windows to correct the problem. But the administrative settings did not help me here. I tried opening up the programs themselves with Run As Administrator by right-clicking. This did not help me fix the internal errors. I swept the computer for viruses, nothing.
I am out of ideas. And while I may be slightly above average in how to work computers, I'm no expert so I'm very wary about trying the more technical things on my own.
I do have anti-virus software installed:
I am using Panda Cloud Anti-virus software. It is a trial version, not full. i never upgraded to Pro/full version. And I did try turning it off and I even tried turning off the firewall to see if any of that would help. Once again, nothing. i am still not allowed to save files that I create in any of my own folders.
No idea what to do anymore. And I'm really concerned about this denial of administrator rights affecting my other more heavily used programs. Help?
The programs that are not working properly are Flash, RpgMakerVX Ace and strangely enough, when I tried to upload my resume in search of a job, the damn error popped up again and would not let me upload my resume to a site! I had to copy and paste my resume. This problem is getting out of control.