Is Windows 7 the last "real" Microsoft desktop PC OS?

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  1. Posts : 355
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 64bit, Manjaro Xfce, Debian 10 64bit Xfce

    Is Windows 7 the last "real" Microsoft desktop PC OS?

    I have my suspicions, believe it or not, that it might actually be...

    Windows 9 will unify the smartphone, tablet, desktop, and console, but is it too little too late? | ExtremeTech

    Et cetera.

    Your thoughts? Are we entering the dark ages of accelerating ignorant user placation through "technology for the masses?"

    Race issues aside, this ill conceived trend of excessively simplified (and functionally limited) handheld computers (and their OSs) for the masses makes me think of teachers teaching Ebonics in English classes.


    My preference would be for Microsoft to go in the other direction and redefine the handheld OS, making it more like a "real" computer OS. For example, using Windows 7 on my Nexus 7 is very straightforward and intuitive. I use the high resolution touchscreen interface in a similar way to using a touchpad mouse, so I don't have to hover my finger/thumb over what I'm selecting and "clicking" (tapping) on. I then of course have the full functionality of a capable PC OS and its compatible software "on the go" on a touchscreen device that fits in my jacket or pants pocket.
    Last edited by Wrend; 13 Oct 2013 at 18:52.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 757
    Win10 Pro 64-bit

    My own two cents is that I personally have zero use for mobile, handheld, smartphone versions of Windows.
    I'm a desktop-only guy and that means that I need a desktop metaphor so that I can actually get productive work done with keyboard and mouse. I sit at an office desk, not a table at Starbucks or sitting and waiting for the next bus.

    A touchpad is not a desktop; they're two totally different ways of using computer devices - mobile is for consumption of data, desktop is for production of data.
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  3. Posts : 355
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 64bit, Manjaro Xfce, Debian 10 64bit Xfce
    Thread Starter

    Yeah, tablets are for mobility, more so even than laptops, and aren't that well suited to many of the desktop PC workloads/tasks.

    However, I would disagree with the apparent general assumption that tablets need to run simplified, and excessively large icon/tile, drag-scrolling, and tapping versions of OSs to be used effectively and efficiently. That a "real" OS is seeming to emulate tablet style OSs to make an across-platform-experience makes no sense to me, and seems to be progressing OS interfaces in the completely wrong direction.

    Sorry for the picture being a little blurry.

    Is Windows 7 the last "real" Microsoft desktop PC OS?-windows-7-nexus-7.jpg
    Last edited by Wrend; 13 Oct 2013 at 23:34. Reason: clarification
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 13,576
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    I seriously doubt it, after all what operating system will they use on the Enterprise ?
    Last edited by AddRAM; 22 Apr 2015 at 17:51.
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  5. Posts : 355
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 64bit, Manjaro Xfce, Debian 10 64bit Xfce
    Thread Starter

    Well, I do use Microsoft's Starfield simulation screensaver still... How could I not?

    It did try to access the internet though, but I didn't allow it to.

    Is Windows 7 the last "real" Microsoft desktop PC OS?-256px-hal9000.svg.png
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  6. scr
    Posts : 366
    1. Windows 7 Home Premium sp1 - 64bit 2. Windows 7 Pro sp1 - 64bit

    I'm a desktop guy as well. I do enjoy sitting in front of my 23" monitor using my keyboard and mouse. I went out of my way to get the dumbest cell phone I could find, it makes and receives phone calls.

    I understand the needs and wants for other devices but making a desktop act and look like an iPhone doesn't make sense to me. Looks like Windows 7 will be on my computer for the duration of my existence. Sometimes being old is a good thing.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7,380
    Windows 7 ultimate x64

    I think, If MS wants to survive they will continue making OS for the Desktops. There are many people who still likes to touch the keyboard and mouse rather than the screen itself.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 9,600
    Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    AddRAM said:
    I seriously doubt it, after all what operating system will they use on the Enterprise ?
    The original Star Trek Enterprise had a Commodore C64 in the background of the bridge.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    The C64 was introduced in 1982, 13 years after Star Trek TOS (The Original Series) was last produced.
    Commodore 64 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Star Trek: The Original Series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Back OT, I think if MS wants to continue they should concentrate on what they have done best developing OSes for computers be it desktop, laptop, or netbook. Their foray in to tablets (surface, Surface RT) have been dismal. I don't want/need an OS that needs to be prodded and poked into submission and can't do real productive work without the addition of a slew of add-ons.

    I do have an Android phone and the wife a Kindle Fire both of which can do computer-like functions, browsing, reading emails, etc. For video editing, photo editing and creating images, complex spread sheets, I'll still want to use a real computer.

    To succeed I think MS needs to create separate OSes for computers and mobile devices or give the buyer/user the option of which to install to their equipment.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1
    Win 7 Ult 64

    How do you know that those guys on Star Trek did not have some remote viewers or the like in their circles, and do stuff like showing off the upcoming tech for kicks. Just look at that SG1 show!. Cheers, enough doom and gloom. I can not wait to see what these quantum computers can do. Supposedly the Chinese have one??

    The Tech writeup is not so suprising is it? Has MS ever portrayed themselves as a company with good sense over a god complex. I really doubt if the desktop goes anywhere in the forseeable future, I just keep on rooting for the guys like AMD, who want a more desktop that is made of components instead of one big board.
    Last edited by jcmsonite23; 15 Oct 2013 at 02:02.
      My Computer

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