Copying multiple files in a list, from one folder to another...

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  1. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 64 bit

    No the "large master list" is just a folder that stores all our files. I create the txt file from a BOM that is export out to excel and save as txt after doing some filtering.

    I will try your code here in a little bit and let you know. I appreciate the help.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 64 bit

    UsernameIssues this code worked and i updated the path as recommended. Make it very easy to navigate. The only problem that i had was, i have to make sure the txt file names are exact with the extension. 12345.XYZ

    But i can manage that, thanks again for you help and i will be digging into scrips now to better understand them as i can see lots useful options.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 10,485
    W7 Pro SP1 64bit

    Glad that it worked for you.

    Yep, scripts can help a lot on repetitive tasks.

    If the filtering that you do before making the text file list is not too complicated, then the script might be able to do that for you: e.g the script would only copy files that met your criteria. If that can be done, then you won't need to make a text file list.

    If the source folder is always the same, then there is no need for the script to ask you to select it each time... just hard code that info into the script. Replace these two lines...
    $SourceFolder = FileSelectFolder("Select the source folder.", "c:\temp\s")
    If @error Then Exit
    ...with this single line:
    $SourceFolder = "c:\temp\s"
    ...replacing "c:\temp\s" with the desired network path.

    If the destination folder is created each day (perhaps using a date/time info), then the script can do that for you too (without you having to manually create the destination folder and then navigating to it when the script runs).
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 64 bit

    Yes for what I want to use this for my source folder is always the same, so I hard coded it in.

    Filtering is a little complex but doesn't take just a min to create with Excel.

    As for my destination folder I created a generic folder, once the scrip runs then i can manual move the files to the destination named folder.

    Question, can a scrip check the "master list folder" and replace what is newer in the destination folder (test folder 1)? This will help with revisions that are saved into the "master list folder", Also could it check sub folders (test folder 1, test folder 2, test folder 3)?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 10,485
    W7 Pro SP1 64bit

    It can be done, but I would change to a batch file for this (instead of AutoIt).

    I've asked another forum member to stop by this thread. I'm not that confident with making that type of batch files.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 721
    Windows 10, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 7 Professional, OS X El Capitan

    Hello. UsernameIssues has asked of me to “stop by”, so here I am, with the batch file of course… I’ll be providing your assistance, Goofybt, from now.
    goofybt said:
    Question, can a scrip check the "master list folder" and replace what is newer in the destination folder (test folder 1)? This will help with revisions that are saved into the "master list folder"
    Firstly, I’m not too sure of what to make of this. If you simply mean that the script should perform an overwrite copy to the destination location, that’s a non-problem. If not, perhaps you’d like to clarify your situation for me.

    goofybt said:
    Also could it check sub folders (test folder 1, test folder 2, test folder 3)?
    As a popular feature, my batch script does support searching through subfolders for files (use /s switch).

    Goofybt, try using the script below. I’ve been working on it for some time now, but I can’t guarantee it will work with your situation right now as network locations are involved and I haven’t tested it with one yet. Unlike AutoIt, network locations are one thing to consider when writing in batch and must be coded especially to support it.

    If you’re unfamiliar with the command line, you can just edit the defaults near the top of the script and double click the file to invoke the script that way.

    :: FindAndCopyFromList.bat | v2.0 | 11 SEP 2016
    :: Created by Pyprohly @
    :: FindAndCopyFromList.bat
    :: FindAndCopyFromList.bat filelist [-c:action] [-f] [-s] [-a] [-q]
    :: FindAndCopyFromList.bat filelist source -c:"DELETE" [-f] [-s] [-a] [-q]
    :: FindAndCopyFromList.bat filelist source -c:"LIST" [-f] [-s] [-a] [-q]
    :: FindAndCopyFromList.bat source destination filelist [-c:action] [-f] [-s] [-a] [-q]
    @echo off
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    set "filelist=.\list.txt"
    set "source=%~dp0"
    set "destination=.\New Folder"
    set "action=COPY"
    set "force=FALSE"
    set "transverse_subfolders=FALSE"
    set "adapt_current_directory=FALSE"
    ::. ************ DOCUMENTATION ************
    ::?.FindAndCopyFromList.bat v2.0 documentation
    ::?.	Locate and perform an action on the set of files specified in a given
    ::?.	newline-separated text file list.
    ::?.	Use this tool in command line mode by specifying a source folder, a
    ::?.	destination folder, a newline-separated text file comprised of file
    ::?.	names, and a predefined action as arguments, or pass only a filelist
    ::?.	and an action. Argument take precedence over the defaults.
    ::?.	Alternativly, omit specifying any arguments and simply execute this
    ::?.	this script as is to assume all the defaults in place of arguments.
    ::?.    FindAndCopyFromList.bat
    ::?.    FindAndCopyFromList.bat filelist action [-c:action] [-f] [-s] [-a] [-q]
    ::?.    FindAndCopyFromList.bat filelist source -c:"DELETE" [-f] [-s] [-a] [-q]
    ::?.    FindAndCopyFromList.bat filelist source -c:"LIST" [-f] [-s] [-a] [-q]
    ::?.    FindAndCopyFromList.bat source destination filelist [-c:action] [-f] [-s] [-a] [-q]
    ::?.    source      If -s is not specified, the directory of which the script
    ::?.                should search files for, else this will act as the location
    ::?.                of where the script is to begin looking for files.
    ::?.    destination    The location of where files are to be sent when found. If
    ::?.                the -f switch is specified, this location will be created if
    ::?.                it does not exist. The location may be relative. If the -a
    ::?.                switch is used, the relative location will be relative to the
    ::?.                path of the current item being processed rather than the
    ::?.                current working directoy.
    ::?.    filelist    A text file containing a newline-separated list of file names.
    ::?.                File names listed in this file must not be followed by a path
    ::?.                and each entry must include an extension as matches are
    ::?.                processed exactly. Lines beginning with a semicolon (;) in
    ::?.                this file will be ignored.
    ::?.    action      The operation to perform on a located file. This may be one
    ::?.                of the following values: "COPY", "MOVE", "DELETE", or "LIST".
    ::?.                The "LIST" action may be used to verify the items that will
    ::?.                be processed, as well as those that won’t be, without
    ::?.                affecting files. If "LIST" or "DELETE" is specified, the
    ::?.                destination parameter will become meaningless and
    ::?.                non-mandatory.
    ::?.    -f          Overwrite files in the destination directory should file name
    ::?.                conflicts occur. Destination directories will be created if
    ::?.                they do not exist. Meaningful only with COPY or MOVE actions.
    ::?.                This switch is synonymous to the "force_action" default.
    ::?.    -s          Search through subdirectories for file name matches. If
    ::?.                multiple matches of the same file name are found, all
    ::?.                occurrences will be reported and no action will be taken.
    ::?.                This switch is synonymous to the "transverse_subfolders"
    ::?.                default.
    ::?.    -a          Before an action is performed on an item, change the working
    ::?.                directory to that of the item. This option is useful when
    ::?.                specifing a relative path for the destination location. E.g.,
    ::?.                if MOVE and "New folder" is specified for the action and
    ::?.                destination respectively, located files will be moved into
    ::?.                their own "New folder" directory (if exists. Consider using
    ::?.                -f switch) instead of them all being moved into a single
    ::?.                ".\New folder" location in the source location. Note, this
    ::?.                option does not aid againt the multiple file occurrence error
    ::?.                attainable when using -s. This switch is synonymous to the
    ::?.                "adapt_current_directory_before_action" default.
    ::?.    -q          Suppress warning when using DELETE action.
    goto :main
    	if defined ARG_1 (
    		set "filelist=%ARG_1%"
    	if defined ARG_2 (
    		set "source=%ARG_2%"
    	if defined ARG_3 (
    		set "destination=%ARG_3%"
    	if defined ARG_K_F (
    		set "force=TRUE"
    	) else (
    		if defined FORCE (
    			if /i "%FORCE%"=="TRUE" (
    				set "force=TRUE"
    			) else (
    				set "force=FALSE"
    	if defined ARG_K_S (
    		set "transverse_subfolders=TRUE"
    	) else (
    		if defined TRANSVERSE_SUBFOLDERS (
    			if /i "%TRANSVERSE_SUBFOLDERS%"=="TRUE" (
    				set "transverse_subfolders=TRUE"
    			) else (
    				set "transverse_subfolders=FALSE"
    	if defined ARG_K_A (
    		set "adapt_current_directory=TRUE"
    	) else (
    		if defined ADAPT_CURRENT_DIRECTORY (
    			if /i "%ADAPT_CURRENT_DIRECTORY%"=="TRUE" (
    				set "adapt_current_directory=TRUE"
    			) else (
    				set "adapt_current_directory=FALSE"
    	if defined ARG_K_Q (
    		set "suppress=TRUE"
    	) else (
    		set "suppress=FALSE"
    	set "action_valid=FALSE"
    	if defined ARG_K_C (
    		for %%I in (C M D L COPY MOVE DELETE DEL LIST INV) do (
    			if /i "%ARG_V_C%"=="%%I" (
    				set "action=%%I"
    				set "action_valid=TRUE"
    	) else (
    		for %%I in (C M D L COPY MOVE DELETE DEL LIST INV) do (
    			if /i "%ACTION%"=="%%I" (
    				set "action=%%I"
    				set "action_valid=TRUE"
    	if "%ACTION%"=="C" set "action=COPY"
    	if "%ACTION%"=="M" set "action=MOVE"
    	if "%ACTION%"=="D" set "action=DELETE"
    	if "%ACTION%"=="DEL" set "action=DELETE"
    	if "%ACTION%"=="L" set "action=LIST"
    	if "%ACTION_VALID%"=="FALSE" set "action=INV"
    goto :eof
    	set "tempfile_args="%TEMP%\%~nx0_arg-parser.tmp.js""
    	if not exist %TEMPFILE_ARGS% exit /b 2
    	for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%I in ('set ARG_ 2^>NUL') do (set "%%~I=")
    	set /p ARG_0=<%TEMPFILE_ARGS%
    	>%TEMPFILE_ARGS% echo Args=WScript.Arguments;for^(p_count=0,n_count=0,i=0;i^<Args.Length;i++^){item=Args.Item^(i^);if^(item.slice^(0,1^)=='/'^|^|item.slice^(0,1^)=='-'^){colon_index=item.indexOf^(':'^);equal_index=item.indexOf^('='^);min=Math.min^(colon_index,equal_index^);max=Math.max^(colon_index,equal_index^);index=min==-1?max:min;arg_name=index^>-1?item.slice^(1,index^):item.slice^(1^);WScript.Echo^('ARG_K_'+arg_name+'=TRUE'^);if^(index^>-1^){WScript.Echo^('ARG_V_'+arg_name+'='+item.slice^(index+1^)^)}n_count++}else{WScript.Echo^('ARG_'+(p_count+1)+'='+item^);p_count++}}WScript.Echo^('ARG_COUNT='+i^);WScript.Echo^('ARG_POSITIONAL_COUNT='+p_count^);WScript.Echo^('ARG_SWITCHES_COUNT='+n_count^)
    	for /f "delims=" %%I in (' cscript /nologo %TEMPFILE_ARGS% %ARG_0% ') do (set %%I)
    	del %TEMPFILE_ARGS%
    	set "tempfile_args="
    goto :eof
    	if defined ARG_4 echo This script takes 3 positional arguments at most but %ARG_POSITIONAL_COUNT% were given&& exit /b 1
    	set /a or=0
    	if not defined ARG_3 if defined ARG_2 if /i not "%ARG_V_C%"=="LIST" set /a or+=1
    	if not defined ARG_3 if defined ARG_2 if /i not "%ARG_V_C%"=="LIST" set /a or+=1
    	if %OR% gtr 0 echo Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified parameters&& exit /b 1
    	set /a paramter_set=-1
    	if defined ARG_3 (
    		set /a paramter_set=0
    	) else if defined ARG_2 (
    		set /a paramter_set=1
    	) else if defined ARG_1 (
    		set /a paramter_set=2
    	) else if not defined ARG_1 (
    		set /a paramter_set=3
    	if %PARAMTER_SET% equ -1 echo Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified parameters&& exit /b 1
    	set switch_optional_counter=0
    	if defined ARG_K_F set /a switch_optional_counter+=1
    	if defined ARG_K_S set /a switch_optional_counter+=1
    	if defined ARG_K_A set /a switch_optional_counter+=1
    	if defined ARG_K_Q set /a switch_optional_counter+=1
    	if defined ARG_K_C set /a switch_optional_counter+=1
    	set /a switch_counter=switch_optional_counter
    	if %SWITCH_COUNTER% neq %ARG_SWITCHES_COUNT% echo Unexpected named argument was given&& exit /b 1
    goto :eof
    :copy_file ItemFullName Destination [Overwrite]
    	if not exist "%~1" exit /b 53
    	if not exist "%~2"\* exit /b 76
    	if "%~3"=="TRUE" (
    		copy "%~1" "%~2" >NUL 2>&1 || exit /b 17
    	) else (
    		if exist "%~2\%~nx1" exit /b 58
    		copy "%~1" "%~2" >NUL 2>&1 || exit /b 17
    goto :eof
    :move_file ItemFullName Destination [Overwrite]
    	if not exist "%~1" exit /b 53
    	if not exist "%~2"\* exit /b 76
    		if "%~3"=="TRUE" (
    		move "%~1" "%~2" >NUL 2>&1 || exit /b 17
    	) else (
    		if exist "%~2\%~nx1" exit /b 58
    		move "%~1" "%~2" >NUL 2>&1 || exit /b 17
    goto :eof
    :delete_file ItemFullName Destination
    	if not exist "%~1" exit /b 53
    	if not exist "%~2"\* exit /b 76
    	del "%~1" /f /q >NUL 2>&1 || exit /b 17
    goto :eof
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    	for /f "tokens=1,* delims=." %%1 in (' findstr "^::\?\." "%~f0" ') do (
    		if "%%2"=="" (
    		) else (
    			set "line=%%2"
    goto :eof
    call :arg_parser
    if defined ARG_K_? call :help & exit /b 0
    call :arg_parser__validate_args >&2 || exit /b 1
    call :initialise_paramters
    if "%ACTION%"=="INV" (
    	>&2 echo Invalid value for action named argument was specified&& exit /b 448
    if "%ACTION%"=="DELETE" if "%SUPPRESS%"=="FALSE" (
    	set/p=Warning: the selected mode will permanently delete items. Are you sure you want to continue? <NUL
    	if errorlevel 2 exit /b
    set destination="%DESTINATION:"=%"
    set "destination=%DESTINATION:\"="%"
    set "destination=%DESTINATION:"=%"
    	if not exist "%DESTINATION%"\* >&2 (
    		if "%FORCE%"=="TRUE" (
    			if exist "%DESTINATION%" (
    				echo Destination path could not be created&& exit /b 75
    			) else (
    				md "%DESTINATION%"
    		) else (
    			echo Destination path not found&& exit /b 76
    set source="%SOURCE:"=%"
    set "source=%SOURCE:\"="%"
    set "source=%SOURCE:"=%"
    if not exist "%SOURCE%"\* >&2 echo Source path not found&& exit /b 76
    pushd %SOURCE%
    set "tempfile=%TEMP%\tmp%RANDOM%_%~n0__#.txt"
    if "%ACTION%"=="LIST" (
    	set "tempfile_found=!TEMPFILE:_#=FOUND!"
    	set "filestream_found=>>"!TEMPFILE_FOUND!""
    	set "tempfile_none=!TEMPFILE:_#=NONE!"
    	set "filestream_none=>>"!TEMPFILE_NONE!""
    	copy NUL "!TEMPFILE_NONE!" >NUL
    	set "tempfile_foundmulti=!TEMPFILE:_#=MULTI!"
    	set "filestream_foundmulti=>>"!TEMPFILE_FOUNDMULTI!""
    ) else (
    	set "filestream_none=>&2"
    	set "filestream_foundmulti=>&2"
    	set "transverse=/s"
    ) else (
    	set "transverse="
    set /a items_copied=0
    for /f "useback delims=" %%I in ("%FILELIST%") do (
    	set /a item_times_found=0
    	for /f "tokens=*" %%J in ('
    		robocopy "%SOURCE%" . "%%~I" %TRANSVERSE% /is /it /l /ns /nc /ndl /np /njh /njs /r:0 /w:0
    	') do (
    		set /a item_times_found+=1
    		set "item_fullname=%%~fJ"
    		set "item_path=%%~dpJ"
    	if !ITEM_TIMES_FOUND! equ 0 (
    		if "%ACTION%"=="LIST" (
    			%FILESTREAM_NONE% echo(%%~I
    		) else (
    			%FILESTREAM_NONE% echo Item '%%~I' could not be located
    	) else if !ITEM_TIMES_FOUND! gtr 1 (
    		if "%ACTION%"=="LIST" (
    			for /f "tokens=*" %%J in ('
    				robocopy "%SOURCE%" . "%%~I" %TRANSVERSE% /is /it /l /ns /nc /ndl /np /njh /njs /r:0 /w:0
    		) else (
    			%FILESTREAM_FOUNDMULTI% echo Mulitple instances of '%%~I' found:
    			for /f "tokens=*" %%J in ('
    				robocopy "%SOURCE%" . "%%~I" %TRANSVERSE% /is /it /l /ns /nc /ndl /np /njh /njs /r:0 /w:0
    				echo     '%%~J'
    			%FILESTREAM_FOUNDMULTI% echo   No action taken
    	) else if !ITEM_TIMES_FOUND! equ 1 (
    			pushd !ITEM_PATH!
    			if "%FORCE%"=="TRUE" (
    				if not exist "%DESTINATION%" md "%DESTINATION%"
    		if "%ACTION%"=="COPY" (
    			call :copy_file "!ITEM_FULLNAME!" "!DESTINATION!" "%FORCE%" && (
    				set /a items_copied+=1
    				echo Copied file '!ITEM_FULLNAME!'
    			) || (
    				if !ERRORLEVEL! equ 58 (
    					>&2 echo File '%%~I' already exists in destination
    				) else (
    					>&2 echo Error copying file '%%~I'
    		) else if "%ACTION%"=="MOVE" (
    			call :move_file "!ITEM_FULLNAME!" "!DESTINATION!" "%FORCE%" && (
    				set /a items_copied+=1
    				echo Moved file '!ITEM_FULLNAME!'
    			) || (
    				if !ERRORLEVEL! equ 58 (
    					>&2 echo File '%%~I' already exists in destination
    				) else (
    					>&2 echo Error moving file '%%~I'
    		) else if "%ACTION%"=="DELETE" (
    			call :delete_file "!ITEM_FULLNAME!" && (
    				set /a items_copied+=1
    				echo Deleted file '%%~I'
    			) || (
    				>&2 echo Error deleting file '%%~I'
    		) else if "%ACTION%"=="LIST" (
    			%FILESTREAM_FOUND% echo(%%~I
    if "%ACTION%"=="LIST" (
    	for %%J in ("%TEMPFILE_FOUND%") do if not "%%~zJ"=="0" (
    		echo ITEMS FOUND:
    		type "%TEMPFILE_FOUND%"
    		del "%TEMPFILE_FOUND%"
    	for %%J in ("%TEMPFILE_NONE%") do if not "%%~zJ"=="0" (
    		echo(& echo ITEMS NOT FOUND:
    		type "%TEMPFILE_NONE%"
    		del "%TEMPFILE_NONE%"
    	for %%J in ("%TEMPFILE_FOUNDMULTI%") do if not "%%~zJ"=="0" (
    if "%ACTION%"=="COPY" (
    	echo Total of %ITEMS_COPIED% items were copied to directory '!DESTINATION!'
    ) else if "%ACTION%"=="MOVE" (
    	echo Total of %ITEMS_COPIED% items were moved to directory '!DESTINATION!'
    ) else if "%ACTION%"=="DELETE" (
    	echo Total of %ITEMS_COPIED% items were deleted
    ) else if "%ACTION%"=="LIST" (
    	echo Total of %ITEMS_COPIED% items were found
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 10,485
    W7 Pro SP1 64bit

    Thanks for stopping by Pyprohly.

    Pyprohly said:
    Hello. UsernameIssues has asked of me to “stop by”, so here I am, with the batch file of course… I’ll be providing your assistance, Goofybt, from now.
    goofybt said:
    Question, can a scrip check the "master list folder" and replace what is newer in the destination folder (test folder 1)? This will help with revisions that are saved into the "master list folder"
    Firstly, I’m not too sure of what to make of this....
    I took that to mean this:
    goofybt will populate some sub-folders using the AutoIt script...
    ...then those folders need to be kept up to date.
    i.e. As files are updated in the main folder...
    ...the files in the other folders need to be updated too.

    I envisioned a batch file that resides* in each of the sub-folders. That batch file would enumerate** the contents of its folder and check for newer*** files in the "master list folder". If a newer file is found, copy that newer file to the sub-folder where the batch file is being run from. [goofybt can confirm that the newer file should overwrite the older file.]

    *of course, the batch file does not need to reside in the sub-folder, but running it from there simplifies some things. (e.g. one need not edit the batch file for each sub-folder name.) Just drop a copy of the batch file into any given sub-folder and run it - that sub-folder will be updated with newer files from the "master list folder".

    **this enumeration is easy within AutoIt. I'm not sure how to do it via command line.

    ***a bit hard to do within AutoIt.

    These batch files could be automatically run via one scheduled task... maybe running each night.
    Last edited by UsernameIssues; 10 Sep 2016 at 14:47.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 721
    Windows 10, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 7 Professional, OS X El Capitan

    UsernameIssues said:
    I envisioned a batch file that resides* in each of the sub-folders. That batch file would enumerate** the contents of its folder and check for newer*** files in the "master list folder". If a newer file is found, copy that newer file to the sub-folder where the batch file is being run from. [goofybt can confirm that the newer file should overwrite the older file.]
    Oh, right, I see. Quite easily done then. Robocopy can do this.

    From what I gather, UNI, the reason your AutoIt program cannot be repeated to provide subsequent maintenance to the destination folder is because it would copy in new files from the source as well as update the destination files but only updating the destination files is required? If so, I’m contemplating Robocopy’s /XL switch.

    goofybt said:
    Filtering is a little complex but doesn't take just a min to create with Excel.

    As for my destination folder I created a generic folder, once the scrip runs then i can manual move the files to the destination named folder.
    But it sounds like a few other things may be automated for your purposes, Goofybt, d’you think the whole job could be done in one swing?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 10,485
    W7 Pro SP1 64bit

    Pyprohly said:
    From what I gather, UNI, the reason your AutoIt program cannot be repeated to provide subsequent maintenance to the destination folder is because it would copy in new files from the source as well as update the destination files but only updating the destination files is required? If so, I’m contemplating Robocopy’s /XL switch.
    Correct - if "new" = changed.
    Not correct - if "new" = never existed in the destination folder.

    The AutoIt script uses a text file that lists a subset of the files in the master folder list. Every file in that text file list will be copied to the destination folder. It would probably be best to only copy/replace old (existing) files in the destination folder.

    The AutoIt script was not written for ongoing maintenance of the destination folders. It prompts the user for three things (list of files to be copied, source folder and destination folder). Even if you hard coded the answers to those three things, you would have to keep the input list and a unique version of the script for each destination folder to be maintained. The script can be changed to not copy a file if the file has not changed, but that is what I was hoping to avoid scripting.

    To elaborate further...

    Suppose that the "master list folder" contains these files:

    goofybt creates a list of those files.
    goofybt then uses a spreadsheet to filter out some files.
    Then a text file is created that lists the files to be copied.

    Suppose that the text file list contains these files:

    The AutoIt script uses that filtered text file list to copy those files from the source folder to the desired destination folder. [goofybt changed the script to always output the files to the same folder and then manually moves them to the desired destination folder. goofybt also hard coded the source folder. The AutoIt script might still ask the user for the filtered text file list - but that path and file name could be hard coded too.]

    I think that goofybt has multiple destination folders to populate and then maintain (e.g. replace old files).

    Destination folder 1:

    Destination folder 2:

    Destination folder 3:

    I had hoped that we could create a maintenance solution that did not involve keeping the original filtered text file list for each destination folder. If I were to create a solution in AutoIt for the ongoing maintenance of these folders, I would try for a script that did not require any future editing:

    AutoIt knows the folder that the script is running from. If the maintenance script is placed in destination folder 1 and run from there, the script can enumerate the files in that folder, and copy newer/changed files from the source folder. The same script can be placed in destination folder 2 and run from there. Nothing would have to be edited in the script to make it work in each destination folder.

    However, no one is going to want to manually run each script in each destination folder each work day. You would want to use an automated scheduling system. A Windows scheduled task could be used to run one main batch file. That one batch file could start each script. As new destination folders are added, new lines are added to that one batch file.

    That said, if all of the destination folders are under one top level folder, then there is no need to put a script or batch file inside every single destination folder. One single script or batch file using recursive searching should handle the task. It just depends on how the data is setup.

    Robocopy's /XL switch seems to be like xcopy's /D switch.
    Does Robocopy have a switch like xcopy's /U?
    Also, I have no idea how many files we are talking about in these destination folders. Robocopy's file enumeration performance might be an issue. See the second post in this thread.
    Last edited by UsernameIssues; 12 Sep 2016 at 04:41.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 721
    Windows 10, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 7 Professional, OS X El Capitan

    master folder list

    UsernameIssues said:
    AutoIt knows the folder that the script is running from. If the maintenance script is placed in destination folder 1 and run from there, the script can enumerate the files in that folder, and copy newer/changed files from the source folder. The same script can be placed in destination folder 2 and run from there. Nothing would have to be edited in the script to make it work in each destination folder.
    Exactly. Why carry a list around if the list can just be inferred from the destination’s contents? Hence my suggestion of using Robocopy’s /XL option which will only update the files in the destination and will not copy in new files from the source.

    UsernameIssues said:
    Robocopy's /XL switch seems to be like xcopy's /D switch.
    Does Robocopy have a switch like xcopy's /U?
    The /MAXAGE switch is Robocopy’s equivalent for Xcopy’s /D switch, and Robocopy’s /XL is exactly like Xcopy’s /U.

    Descriptions from SS64 on Xcopy and Robocopy:.
    /U    Copy only files that already exist in destination.
    /XL : eXclude "Lonely" files and dirs (present in source but not destination)
          This will prevent any new files being added to the destination.

    UsernameIssues said:
    Also, I have no idea how many files we are talking about in these destination folders. Robocopy's file enumeration performance might be an issue. See the second post in this thread.
    Robocopy. Performance. Issue? I don’t think so. Robocopy is a specialised backup tool, not a file lister. For doing what it does best—copying—Robocopy’s speed is not a facet to be questioned.

    Sure, if you pit Robocopy and Xcopy against each other in a fresh folder copy battle, Xcopy will always top Robocopy. But if you ever intend to perform subsequent backup routines—Robocopy’s favourite thing to do—there’d be a very clear.

    To emphasise that very, I’ve to together a test. AutoIt3’s DirCopy vs Robocopy vs Xcopy vs Posh’s Copy-Item together in a benchmarking to see who can copy 5k+ files quickest.
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    md 'A','B','C','D' | out-null
    (measure-command {.\au3_copy.exe S A}).TotalMilliseconds
    (measure-command {robocopy.exe S B *}).TotalMilliseconds
    (measure-command {xcopy.exe S C     }).TotalMilliseconds
    (measure-command {copy-item S\* D   }).TotalMilliseconds
    Round 1:
    Round 2:
    A single second to process 5k files is pretty darn quick, wouldn’t you think?
      My Computer

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