File Corruption Causing Issues With Reformatting, .NET Framework, etc.

  1. Posts : 4

    File Corruption Causing Issues With Reformatting, .NET Framework, etc.


    A few days ago I was trying to upgrade my .NET framework to play a game and noticed the download hangs and failed with the error code 0xc8000247.

    Upon numerous online research and supposed fixes, I could not get my system to download the file correctly. So, I went to my Windows Update to see if I was behind on any updates that might prevent an update. Windows Update and Defender are unable to activate and are stuck in a perpetual state of inactivity. More troubleshooting, no answers.

    Upon running chkdsk and sfc, I located corrupt files that were unable to be fixed by the system along with the CBS log report of which makes no sense to me.

    I know the obvious answer is "just reformat your drives", but it's not that simple unfortunately. Since I bought my laptop from MSI almost 5 years ago, every time I have used one of the 4 sets of reformat discs they have sent me or the recovery option in the BootMgr, I received a reagentc.exe false which leaves me with a computer lacking an OS. Wish they would have given my the Windows 7 Disc for a fresh install.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like my only option here would be manually locate the corrupt files and replace them with fresh installs. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
      My Computer

  2.    #2

    The factory preinstall is the worst install of Win7 one can have, larded with bloatware and duplicate utilities which interfere with better versions built into Win7. Most tech enthusiasts won't run such an install but choose instead to Clean Reinstall - Factory OEM Windows 7.

    Everything needed is in the blue link including the latest official installer for your licensed version and tool to burn to DVD or flash stick.

    Sometimes the inferior Factory Recover disks can be made to run by first wiping the HD from the Win7 DVD's Command Line with Diskpart Clean Command .

    But why run the worst install one can have when you can have the very best, and enjoy Win7's perfect performance on that PC for the first time?!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
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    Thank you for the reply, I appreciate it very much. However, I am skeptical because every time I have tried to reformat I have had my computer become unusable because it fails in the middle of an OS recovery and in the past I sent the computer into MSI under warranty. Now I'm outside of my warranty. How can I be sure this tool will not brick my laptop as my previous attempts have? Thanks.
      My Computer

  4.    #4

    Again, you were running Factory Recovery which is a grossly inferior install in every way.

    You are at the top tech forums on the web, where we specialize in doing the Clean Reinstall instead of Factory Recovery. We have helped tens of thousands of users do these for five years without a single complaint or failure..

    Just be sure to follow the steps closely, and ask back if you have any questions or problems.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4
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    Sorry, I did not mean to question you're experience. I can tell you know more about this problem than me so that's why I came here in the first place. You just have to understand, I'm a college student and can't be having my computer fail and not be able to be recovered :/ I was just trying to make sure whatever I did would not be irreversible. I did not me to offend.
      My Computer

  6.    #6

    Why would you think I'm offended? I understand perfectly because many who we help are also trying something new. But unless hardware is failing there is no way you can't have the same success everyone else has.

    Any questions yet? Most steps are preparatory so you don't forget anything. Then the actual installation steps are quick. You'll want to take time setting it all up so you can capture an image of the final product to use in place of reinstall in the future.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4
    Thread Starter

    Question then, I'm not sure if hardware is failing. I've gotten BSOD and I think my motherboard might be failing because when I plug in my second monitor, sometimes, not always does my computer crash with vertical lines on the display. That's why i'm skeptical.
      My Computer

  8.    #8

    There are hardware tests in the Troubleshooting steps below.

    Tried reinstalling display driver in Device Manager?

    You can try a Repair Install which reinstalls win7 but keeps all the unnecessary crap causing the corruption. Better to reinstall with our help. You cannot pay for this quality install anywhere.

    You can work through these and the other Troubleshooting steps below to go over your install closely. But you're only rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic with a factory win7 install.

    If you want to do the preparations, put your wireless driver on stick so you can get online and install Teamviewer I will walk you through the install and then connect to set up and optimize it perfectly
    Last edited by gregrocker; 03 Jun 2014 at 21:54.
      My Computer


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