Regarding your reply looks very interesting as to the docking station,Yes I do have a docking station it is just a single one.I did have many thoughts on this but reading through some of the forums one was said that it was a bad idea to have a dock as the inserting the hdd in and out of the dock would lead to damage to the hdd,I'm no technical guy so I'm really glad of the support from forums like this one it has helped me out a great deal.
So lets look at the dock situation,What would you say to that statement that I seen on another forum.
The dock that I have is here....2.5/3.5 Inch SATA USB Dock with Hub & CardReader | Maplinbad idea to have a dock as the inserting the hdd in and out of the dock would lead to damage to the hdd
Once again I'm very much glad of the help from here.
Thank You.