PC Will Not Boot Into OS
Good day,
My PC was a successful Clean Install on a new HDD. I then ran all of the Microsoft and Windows updates and installed Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and ran clean, Google Chrome with AdBlock Plus, Steam and Foxit PDF. I restarted and everything ran well.
I disconnected all peripherals and let sit for a day. I reconnected the peripherals and started the system; to my dismay Windows 7 will only make it to the "Starting Windows" screen but won't show any of the windows logo movement that it should. I have tried booting into safemode and it hangs at classpnp.sys. I have tried removing the graphics card multiple times and running in different methods. I have removed and cleaned the RAM to be safe and the motherboard hasn't given me any bad memory lights. Whenever I try to boot from any media source into anything more than the YUMI Boot OS selection screen, it hangs. I cannpt access recovery options or Startup Repair as it hangs.
Any help is much appreciated. I recently replaced the PSU to the current unit and the HDD to the current unit.