Unable to boot Win7, BIOS error?

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Unable to boot Win7, BIOS error?

    Hi all. Any help you could offer is appreciated.

    Running Win7 on an HP Envy 14 from a couple years ago. When I push the power button on the computer I see the BIOS screen. I'm able to load BIOS options and change boot order, etc. but once I let the BIOS execute I get a black screen with the words "boot error" at the top and a white cursor. Nothing else and the computer is unresponsive. Windows doesn't start loading at all.

    Now, for unrelated reasons (I assume) my computer's always had problems booting from USB, SD and CD-ROM. I don't know if the fix boot record/system repair stuff will work, so before I go hunting for the CD I just wanted to ask if there were any other hack I could try to repair the BIOS or whatever is the problem. I have access to the files on the hard drive with an ATAPI bridge.

    Thanks for any help you might have!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 176
    Dual boot Win7 Pro 64 & Linux Mint 18.3


    Is it possible that the battery for the CMOS on your machine's MB is dead? You don't say how old it is in your post. I have had that occur but only once in all the machines I've built.

    Just a thought!

    Good luck

    J T
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    got it

    Thanks for your suggestion, man!

    I went into the BIOS and manually selected the notebook drive as the boot option and windows launched successfully. I had it set to boot from anything else inserted first by default and I guess that messed it up.

    It's running a check disk now but I'll consider this resolved unless something blows up. Thanks for your help.
      My Computer

  4.    #4

    Make sure your HDD is set first to boot in BIOS setup. Then if needed trigger any bootable media using ESC key.
      My Computer


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