FREEZING Issue - Possible Driver Failure?
Issue: Every so often, my computer will experience a freeze, where the screen freezes up and, if audio is playing, loops rapidly. The issue resolves by itself after about 2-5 minutes and my computer carries on normally. After the initial reboot after the issue, chkdsk ran, and came out clear for my C: (OS) drive. After it happened again and I reboot, it ran on my G: (Games) drive, and encountered some errors but seemed to fix the sector issues.
When: It's occurred during initializing full window mode in Netflix, watching YouTube, Playing World of Warcraft, etc. I'm unsure if the issue occurs when idle.
Recent changes: I re installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64, two days ago and all seemed fine. Did all of my driver updates successfully but am now encountering this freeze up. I've monitored CPU/GPU/PSU/Mobo temps and everything looks great so I don't believe it's deriving from overheating. I had my i5 OC'd and have since returned it to default settings. I noticed that once the computer un froze for the first couple of times, I got an error telling me that my on board intel graphics had stopped responding, and so I updating those drivers and havnt encountered that message again. Other than reinstalling my OS, I did use a small metro-vac air compressor to dust off my components, but I believe that damage to any components would be pretty slim.
Please let me know of any log/diagnostic files needed to help me solve the issue. This sounds like it's an issue with common side effects so someone may have an idea right off the bat.
I really appreciate all of the help on the fourms and thanks for your time!
note: I uploaded the chkdsk from my C: drive just in case.
Last edited by Ghudda; 29 Jun 2014 at 16:30.