windows cannot find pleasewait.exe
Hi Gurus,
I am having a serious problem and my lack of knowledge I had done some registry changes.
I was using avast antivirus and after trial period finished I uninstalled it.
And tried to delete leftover keys from windows registry.
Some keys were not deleting and said access denied.
So I google it and used a tool called Reset_subinacl and then used another tool named runassystem
With runassystem i opened regedit.exe as system user and then deleted leftover avast keys
Now when i re-booted the system it wont start
Tried repairing the system via F8>repair but not to avail
Then tried win 7 32x ultimate cd to restore os and it did some magic and then system started
Now after restart I can see an error appeared and says windows cannot find pleasewait.exe and clicking next will reboot the system
and I can not use built in touchpad or keyboard as well
Note : I have another OS installed in the same HDD on different partition as 2nd os Win 7 64x Ultimate and system restore is disabled
Please help me Gurus