WindowsBlinds Jacked up my PC per uninstall
I installed windows blinds from wincustomize... lets start there. I then decided I didnt like it. I uninstalled it. Now I am booting slowly. Receiving driver errors saying they arent all running. and possibly the most annoying LOOKING one...
Not the windows 7 aero theme buttons...
SO! I found every "WindowsBlinds" folder I could find, even whiped out an unloader for it, then did a system reset to before I installed it. It LOOKED like it worked, until I changed my theme from windows personalization..... same problems, all over again.
I am hoping not to have to do a clean install of windows. I have classes I need it for and it would be a particularly disappointing inconvenience, notto mention I did one 10 days ago exactly and am kinda getting sick of it.
Anyone know whats up? how might I be able to fix this or if there is a way to fix windows explorer and regestry without having to reinstall windows?