Black screen when watching videos full screen and exiting games

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 64bit

    Black screen when watching videos full screen and exiting games

    I've tried updating the drivers, making sure nothing was overclocked, ram memtest and furmark. memtest found no errors, same with chkdsk and it didn't crash in furmark
    my average temp of gpu is 31 degrees Celsius.

    It plays sound for a few seconds afterward but then becomes unresponsive to the power button and keyboard so I have to turn the psu off.

    Help would be greatly appreciated :)

    and for some reason it keeps posting this in general discussion not bsod support
    Black screen when watching videos full screen and exiting games Attached Files
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 185
    Win7 SP1 + Ultimate 64 bit

    How old is your PSU? what brand is the PSU? the video card is Radeon? Have you tried to put the video card into a different PCIe slot? have you tried to do a "clean boot", with only MS programmes starting, as in diagnostic startup?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 64bit
    Thread Starter

    brand new corsair rm650 and gigabyte r9 290. I'll try putting the card into the next pci slot and post results :)

    Edit: Safe mode with networking seems to not cause black screen and changing gpu from x16 PCI-E didn't seem to help but still getting black screen otherwise.

    Switched to on board graphics and no black screen crashes, i suspect its something to do with my graphics card. I've also re-run furmark and it hasn't crashed.
    Last edited by frostfire; 16 Sep 2014 at 02:15. Reason: Update
      My Computer

  4. Arc
    Posts : 35,373
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 64-bit

    Hello frostfire. If is a display related issue, BugCheck 117 (VIDEO_TDR_TIMEOUT_DETECTED).

    Do two things. First uninstall the installed version of your display driver using Display Driver Uninstaller and try 13.12 WHQL. Some later versions does not work perfectly with R9 GPUs.

    Also, Install Service pack 1 and all other windows updates. Otherwise the system will remain vulnerable to threats.

    Report us foe any further BSODs after doing these two. It will need some further troubleshooting depending on the situation.
      My Computer


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