How to remove a primary partition while keeping the logical partitions

  1. Posts : 2
    windows 7

    How to remove a primary partition while keeping the logical partitions

    I have build in an SSD. The original partitions on the hard drive were C: (Primary), D: (logical), EL (logical) and F: (Logical) end the SSD as H: (primary) and I: primary). Booting the system was done from C: Now as I force my computer to boot from the HDD it still boots from HDD-C: When booting from the SSD I see C: being the SSD, from the HDD I in the explorer I see only the Original D: E: and F: drives. What I want to do is dividing the space now used by the HDD-S: among the D:, E: and F: partition. How can I achieve this without completely cleaning the whole HDD
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,497
    Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

    It would really help if we could see a screenshot of Disk Management.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    windows 7
    Thread Starter

    Herewith a screenshot of how the system is now in disc management. I cloned the recovery an system partition on the "Schijf1" to "Schijf 0". I want the space now used by the system partition on "Schijf 1" to be divided among the D, E and F partition. In particular Can I delete the partition and shift and resize the others or should I format the partition, merge it with D: and move and resize the other partitions
    How to remove a primary partition while keeping the logical partitions Attached Files
      My Computer

  4.    #4

    I doubt whether the Recovery partition will boot and run now on the SSD, plus the factory install is a grossly inferior install which should be replaced by doing a perfect Clean Reinstall Windows 7.

    However it's only 10gb so unless you want steps to remove it then it needs to remain since it is booting C.

    To remove the 3 unneeded Primary partitions on the hard drive, mark Recovery Inactive then try deleting all 3 Primary partitions in Disk Mgmt, or use Partition Wizard which can also mark Inactive.

    You can then format new partition(s) in the space in Disk Mgmt or Partition Wizard, or also use Partition Wizard to adjust the space of any or all of the three Logical partitions following How to extend partition easily with Partition Wizard - video help
      My Computer


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