'Cannot find this item" when trying to delete a file.

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 64 bit

    'Cannot find this item" when trying to delete a file.

    I'm trying to a delete a file I can see in Explorer and I'm getting "Cannot find this item"

    Cannot find this item
    This item is no longer located in C:\Users\Peter\Music\Amazon MP3. Verify the location and try again.

    It's still there if I do a refresh, or even if I do a reboot.

    There's already a thread about this at Could not find this item - when deleting files

    So I went to my DOS command prompt and did the steps as described in the other thread. Basically I got the 8.3 version of the file and deleted that. But it's still there! . . .

    C:\Users\Peter\Music\Amazon MP3>dir /x
    Volume in drive C is Windows7_OS
    Volume Serial Number is A863-F626

    Directory of C:\Users\Peter\Music\Amazon MP3

    09/06/2015 12:19 PM <DIR> .
    09/06/2015 12:19 PM <DIR> ..
    09/06/2015 12:20 PM <DIR> ORQUES~1 Orquestra Filarmónica de Moravia Olomouc, Roberto Montenegro, Horaci
    o Romo,
    0 File(s) 0 bytes
    3 Dir(s) 285,509,218,304 bytes free

    C:\Users\Peter\Music\Amazon MP3>del ORQUES~1
    C:\Users\Peter\Music\Amazon MP3\ORQUES~1\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? y

    C:\Users\Peter\Music\Amazon MP3>dir /x
    Volume in drive C is Windows7_OS
    Volume Serial Number is A863-F626

    Directory of C:\Users\Peter\Music\Amazon MP3

    09/06/2015 12:19 PM <DIR> .
    09/06/2015 12:19 PM <DIR> ..
    09/06/2015 12:20 PM <DIR> ORQUES~1 Orquestra Filarmónica de Moravia Olomouc, Roberto Montenegro, Horaci
    o Romo,
    0 File(s) 0 bytes

    ...what do I have to do to get RID of this thing?

    ... thanks in advance!

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 721
    Windows 10, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 7 Professional, OS X El Capitan

    Hi there,

    Create the following batch file and drag your problematic file onto this batch file's icon.
    if "%~1"=="" exit /b
    del /a:-d /f \\?\%1
    tskill explorer
    goto 2>NUL & del %0
    The script will delete the file, and itself.
      My Computer


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