Recovery console won't load from repair disk

  1. Posts : 7
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    Recovery console won't load from repair disk

    I'm running 64 bit win 7 on a Gateway NV79. I was having trouble where windows wouldn't boot. I tried startup repair and it seemed to work until I restarted and it failed to boot again. I came across this page How To Rebuild the BCD in Windows [10 to 20 Minutes] and followed the steps to rebuild the BCD, but when I went to restart I received the Boot/BCD 0xc000000f Error. I tried to run the recovery console from a repair disk but I can't get past the System Recovery Options screen that searches for your operating system. It's been running for several hours but never gets to the options screen where you can choose a recovery tool. Is there anything else I can try?


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,025
    Linux Lite 3.2 x64; Windows 7, 8.1

    It's stuck searching for the OS? You could try a System Restore Point, or Last Known Good Configuration in the F8 Advanced Boot Menu.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    paul1149 said:
    It's stuck searching for the OS? You could try a System Restore Point, or Last Known Good Configuration in the F8 Advanced Boot Menu.
    I've got it to load but to do it I have to shut it off and restart several times and when it does load it doesn't find windows.I'm not able to use F8 because I get the \Boot\BCD OXC000000F error.
      My Computer


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