Computer Sometimes Starts Up with A Black Screen
This problem only started a few days ago.
My computer started up to a black screen, and after a few seconds my monitor went to sleep. No cursor, nothing. I had do a hard reboot to get it to work properly. Yesterday, it happened twice. I hit Google to see what I could find but nothing worked. Here's what I found:
1. Some threads suggested it could be a problem with the video card or some other driver. My video card driver is up to date, my most recent driver installation was my printer, however, that was done over a week ago, and the black screen problem didn't occur then.
2. Startup programs, I checked to see if it might be something attempting to load, but it was just the update service for my printer, and the digital imaging software for my printer(both disabled, as of right now). It was neither of these as the problem occurred again.
3. I ran malware bytes and it came back clean, no malware detected. Running Norton to see if it could find anything but I highly doubt it.
The black screen only happens some of the time. When I make it to the login screen, my machine runs normally, nothing strange occurs, I can use my machine as if there isn't a problem.
My monitor is fairly new, closer to a year old.
I ran chkdsk /f and it was completed, no errors or interruptions.
I really don't want to replace my hard drive, I have a back up solution in place so I'm not worried about my files. My real problem is, if I have to re-install windows I need a new CD key for Windows 7 (I used up my 3 installations), and using Microsoft's site leads you to download Windows 10.
Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.