Hi groze,
Well that's interesting news to say the least. I know I was offered a chance for a second or so to stop chkdsk from running, but I knew it would only run the next time I booted up so I let it go!
I posted the original question because I wasn't sure what caused chkdsk to run in the first place. Looking back on it I thought that fooling with a windows folder from inside Linux might have been the culprit, at times I do things automatically without much thought. As I said earlier, when chkdsk ran the first time it took forever and I could see all the files being deleted. I knew the outcome wasn't going to be good and it wasn't! I couldn't boot 7 at all, installing an image fixed it. Then it ran again 2 weeks or so ago but I was able to reboot with no trouble, my only choice of a cause was I was in Linux working on folders inside 7.
I know I didn't unmount 7 in Mint before I closed Mint and tried to boot 7, THAT may have caused the issue. I appreciate your answer its helpful to say the least and shows I'm not the only one who does what you describe. I'm going to play it safe and work on 7 when I'm in there and likewise for Linux. But it is nice to be able to edit one OS from the other if you want to, probably not recommended, but nice!
Thanks again,