Windows 10 I screwed up, user profile Hidden... help!

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10 Home

    Windows 10 I screwed up, user profile Hidden... help!

    I was just in Windows Explorer, planning to modify my Startup programs. Navigated to "C:/ Windows7_OS / Users" and right-clicked on my User Profile "william viera". From the right-click menu, I selected "Properties", and then on the "General" tab, there is a checkbox under Attributes called "Hidden". I thought, "oh great, I will check this and then I will be able to see all of my hidden files". NOT!!!

    I selected "Hidden", and clicked "Apply"... crap. Now my User Profile "william viera" is hidden, and I cannot figure out how to unhide it. Everything associated with my User Profile is now hidden... application shortcuts, My Favorites, etc...

    Can anyone tell me how to "Un-Hide" my User Profile? (you don't need to tell me I am an idiot... I already figured that o
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 630
    Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

    Hi Willy321 and welcome W7F. You did mean Windows 7 right? Hit Windows key + E Hit Organize / Folder and search Options / View. Select Show Hidden Files Folders and Drives. It should appear.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,605
    Originally Win 7 Hm Prem x64 Ver 6.1.7600 Build 7601-SP1 | Upgraded to Windows 10 December 14, 2019

    Yes; Hi Willy321, welcome to 7F! :)

    To expand on Lance1's tip see: Post #2 | I screwed up, user profile Hidden... help! Once you have the hidden Folders and Files visible go back to "C:/ Windows7_OS / Users" and you should be able to see your "william viera" Folder, then simply revert the changes you previously applied.

    If you still can't see "william viera" go to the third entry below the red box and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)" then apply and ok.

    For safety and security, don't forget to change the one or both back to the way they were after you're done.

    If you're curious about the CMD option see post #5 of the same thread and in an elevated CMD prompt use this instead of the one Brink shows, it's the same, the only thing that changed is your user name in place of the original posters (Bill).
    attrib +r -s -h C:\Users\william viera /S /D
    To help explain the attributes see: Attrib - Edit file attributes | Windows CMD |
      My Computer


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