Windows 10 I screwed up, user profile Hidden... help!
I was just in Windows Explorer, planning to modify my Startup programs. Navigated to "C:/ Windows7_OS / Users" and right-clicked on my User Profile "william viera". From the right-click menu, I selected "Properties", and then on the "General" tab, there is a checkbox under Attributes called "Hidden". I thought, "oh great, I will check this and then I will be able to see all of my hidden files". NOT!!!
I selected "Hidden", and clicked "Apply"... crap. Now my User Profile "william viera" is hidden, and I cannot figure out how to unhide it. Everything associated with my User Profile is now hidden... application shortcuts, My Favorites, etc...
Can anyone tell me how to "Un-Hide" my User Profile? (you don't need to tell me I am an idiot... I already figured that o