Windows Clones?

  1. Posts : 638
    Windows 7 x64 SP1

    Windows Clones?

    Although I am happily using three different Linux OS's, I'm concerned that my wife won't make the transition in 2020 (W7 EOL). I recently heard about React OS. I did some research and it appears to be years away from prime time. but 2020 is a ways off, so maybe it will be ready by then.

    So, anyone know of any other Windows clones to pick up the stragglers who won't upgrade or go to Linux? There could be an opportunity here. Who knows, maybe even OSX will be available to purchase for PC's? (Nah, they want you to spend 2x as much for one of their Macs).
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,497
    Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

    Creating a Windows clone is very difficult. It has to be based on Windows published programming interfaces and not everything is documented. Even the undocumented behavior and sometimes even the bugs need to be faithfully reproduced. It needs to be done without reference to the Windows source code. While this is available to qualified individuals it's use in such a project is explicitly prohibited.

    ReactOS is a long way from prime time, if it ever gets that far.

    WINE is essentially a Windows emulator that runs under Linux and it too has it's problems. Some applications work well, some not at all. Games seem to be a particular problem.

    There was the EOS project but it appears to be dead.

    I am not aware of any other alternatives. If such exists it would likely have even more problems than ReactOS or WINE.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4,053
    W7 Ultimate SP1, LM19.2 MATE, W10 Home 1703, W10 Pro 1703 VM, #All 64 bit

    Simply run a W7 VM on a Linux Host OS.
    For example, VMware Player (free) can be installed in Linux Mint.

    I run a W10IP VM that way.
      My Computer


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