Can't access to guest account files from another account

  1. Posts : 2
    windows 7 32 bit ultimate

    Can't access to guest account files from another account

    Hello. I can't open the guest folder usgin my admin ccount on windows 7. Each time I need a file I have to login using guest account and its frustrating. I just clic on the folder and nothing happens
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 708
    Windows 7 x64

    Administrator account is not for general usage, and NOT your own account.
    Administrator account required password to access.
    Usually, no one use Administrator account.
    Do note the differences between "Administrator" account and "admin" rights.
    Administrator account have full rights to anything and everything.
    "Admin" rights is just act as administrator and is not an account.

    As the 1st newly create account (mainly your own account) may have that admin rights.
    With admin rights, you are accessible to create accounts for other users.

    Also for guest account, by default have no password.
    Guest account is always available, but need to initiate it for use, and no password is needed

    If you create guest account, it will not be a guest account, and this will be another user account, but the name "Guest" may conflict with the system created "Guest" account.

    In conclusion, you may started the wrong way.

    So, if your had manually create an Guest account with password, it is not a guest account at all.
    But an user account with the name "Guest".
    When you activated the Guest account, there will not be any password.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    windows 7 32 bit ultimate
    Thread Starter

    Sorry, my english is not very good and maybe I expressed wrong. What I meant is that I ACTIVATE a REAL guest account and I would like to be able to see the files and folder of that account when I am using another account just as I can do with windows xp. But I found that when I go to the folder called "USERS" I can´t open the "GUEST" subfolder (access denied).

    I am not talkking about passwords or admin rights at all. I just need to see files saved on guest account desktop or download folder without having to login to that account
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,924
    win 8 32 bit

    The simple way is to move all docs etc to another folder and for guest to save any files to that folder as long as the folder is outside the profile you should be able to access it or at worse take ownership
      My Computer


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