Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1 Explorer.exe The Oddest Issue Ever

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  1. Posts : 112
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1u OEM Dell & OEM Asus

    Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1 Explorer.exe The Oddest Issue Ever

    Howdy Brink,

    Sorry to bother you directly this time but my custom to contact you @ this web once every couple of years with some another very much particularly odd win7 issue seems remain same

    Anyhow this another issue details follow:

    A pretty aged but yet nice for my purposes Dell Precision M4300 laptop with Win7 Ultimate SP1 x64 Genuine OEM (all MS updates to the moment applied, except 3 ones for Win10 upgrade & telemetry skipped) that operates perfectly all the time continuously 24 hours per day. Here I wanna stress that I'd likely never meet/experience this issue if I'd turn this laptop off or restart it at least once in 2 days.

    In short - explorer.exe is like-crashed, or anyway stops operate normally, w/o any sign of error or issue in win7 logs every 2-3 days of continuous win7 operation when a size or explorer.exe process reaches some 100MB size. Then explorer.exe process shall be restarted manually to get back to normal.

    Also it's likely in some way linked to use of the mouse right click actions, mainly a right click on shortcuts in Win7 Recent Items menu.

    Well it's a long lasting issue - so I've studied abnormally many options around - change various drivers incl. video, disable many context menus, etc etc with same result. This issue persists.

    Pls first find 2 attached snapshots taken of Process Explorer utility with a view on explorer process size under normal operation and a couple of days later at the moment of the issue.

    Pls 2nd find the attached snapshot of a sample of a folder broken view after this explorer issue occurred. Another 1st visible effect of this issue is no normal popup menu when right click at all.

    Pls don't bother on attached files names.

    Any ideas?

    Thanx a lot.

    P.S. Actually I have a pretty lot of info and files incl. the explprer.exe dumps concerning this issue. So pls just prompt any way to dig into

    UPDATE: oops, sorry - here is a minidump of explorer.exe taken by Process Explorer v16.12 utility today right after z moment of explorer.exe like-crash. a full dump file is around 450MB as u could see at the 2nd snapshot attached.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1 Explorer.exe The Oddest Issue Ever-18-2.2016-07-09-sat_sampleview_explorer.execrashissuewhenrightclickonrecentdocs_capture.png   Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1 Explorer.exe The Oddest Issue Ever-18-4-1.2016-09-05-mon_processexplorerv16.12_allprocesses-theirsizesunderexplorer.exe-normaloper.png   Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1 Explorer.exe The Oddest Issue Ever-18-4-2.2016-09-07-wed_processexplorerv16.12_allprocesses-theirsizesunderexplorer.exe-timeofissu.png  
    Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1 Explorer.exe The Oddest Issue Ever Attached Files
    Last edited by laidbacktokyo; 07 Sep 2016 at 13:27.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,925
    win 8 32 bit

    First job would be to check all drives for errors as this is the normal reason for this
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4,776
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    If you've got an explorer crash dump zip it and upload it. If you need to configure explorer crash dumps found here:


    Then read this thread and view the link in Post #2

    Windows Explorer Crashing a Lot

    Also uncheck "Launch folder windows in a separate process" in folder view options. "Computer > Organize > folder Options"

    Maybe the problem is with a shell extension (added by third party software) or it could be down to corrupt media files located on anywhere on your hard drive or any other connected drive.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 112
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1u OEM Dell & OEM Asus
    Thread Starter

    samuria said:
    First job would be to check all drives for errors as this is the normal reason for this
    well... as it was already said I've checked/replaced many of drivers many times with no effect. also there is absolutely no sign of error in all win 7 logs @ z moment when issue occurred.

    can u point to some particular driver(s) to check?


    UPDATE: sorry, my fault. I misread your 'drives' as 'drivers'.
    Last edited by laidbacktokyo; 07 Sep 2016 at 13:33.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4,776
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    Check drives command is:

    chkdsk /r /f

    From an elevated command prompt or run as administrator from Start > Run dialog box.

    A reboot is needed to run the check. It probably will not fix the problem but if you haven't run a disk check recently then it won't hurt.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 112
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1u OEM Dell & OEM Asus
    Thread Starter

    Callender said:
    If you've got an explorer crash dump zip it and upload it. If you need to configure explorer crash dumps found here:


    Then read this thread and view the link in Post #2

    Windows Explorer Crashing a Lot

    Also uncheck "Launch folder windows in a separate process" in folder view options. "Computer > Organize > folder Options"

    Maybe the problem is with a shell extension (added by third party software) or it could be down to corrupt media files located on anywhere on your hard drive or any other connected drive.
    1. sure I have dumps of explorer.exe @ z moment after issue but even the mini one is too big to attach here.

    2. "Launch folder windows in a separate process" now set to its default = uncheck. anyhow I've duly checked this option on & off w/o success.

    3. shell extensions also checked in a pretty detailed way w/o success.


    update: oops, sorry - here is a minidump of explorer.exe taken by Process Explorer v16.12 utility today right after z moment of explorer.exe like-crash. a full dump file is around 450MB as u could see at the 2nd snapshot attached.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 112
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1u OEM Dell & OEM Asus
    Thread Starter

    Callender said:
    Check drives command is:

    chkdsk /r /f

    From an elevated command prompt or run as administrator from Start > Run dialog box.

    A reboot is needed to run the check. It probably will not fix the problem but if you haven't run a disk check recently then it won't hurt.
    well... pls let me say that all common ways like sfc /scannow & chkdsk have been performed first... along with many others...

    that's why I'm now calling to Brink & posting here...

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4,776
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    laidbacktokyo said:

    1. sure I have dumps of explorer.exe @ z moment after issue but even the mini one is too big to attach here.

    If you imported the reg key correctly your dump will be named something lie:


    example: explorer.exe.8140.dmp

    It shouldn't be very big in size. Evem if it's a few Mb's zip it and upload it. Actually if explorer crashes regularly you should have lots of separate dumps listed in C:/Localdumps. upload a few please.

    Also just for now grab a copy of Explorer++ portable.

    Extract the files to a folder somewhere - say on your desktop and right click the executable and run as administrator. a screenshot of the context menu like this:

    Navigate to where you'd normally get a crash when right clicking and right click. If there's no crash (using Explorer++) post a screenshot of the context menu like this:

    Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1 Explorer.exe The Oddest Issue Ever-links-explorer-administrators-.jpg

    It's certainly possible that a .dll related to one of the third party software enties displayed is responsible but there could be other reasons too.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 4,776
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    laidbacktokyo said:

    that's why I'm now calling to Brink & posting here...

    Brink is welcome to answer of course. Not sure if explorer crashes is his thing though.
    Last edited by Callender; 07 Sep 2016 at 15:42. Reason: fix quote
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 112
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1u OEM Dell & OEM Asus
    Thread Starter

    laidbacktokyo said:
    Callender said:

    that's why I'm now calling to Brink & posting here...

    Brink is welcome to answer of course. Not sure if explorer crashes is his thing though.
    naturally I much appreciate any help.

    also I've uploaded an explorer dump above. may I ask you to take a look?

    but I didn't either download or apply that .reg patch. yet. when I don't believe that this nice but common technique will come out with any result if win7 doesn't see any crash/error of explorer.exe. am I wrong?:)

    anyhow, again, I guess z key point of this odd issue is the abnormal big size of explorer.exe process as acquired thru a pretty long time of the perfectly normal operations, incl. right clicks and so on. also win7 itself doesn't see any problem at the moment of issue when explorer.exe just gets stuck and needed to be restarted manually.

    thank you.
    Last edited by laidbacktokyo; 07 Sep 2016 at 14:08.
      My Computer

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