How to block hard shutdown

  1. Posts : 26
    Windows 7 Pro x64

    How to block hard shutdown

    Is there a way to completely block/disable the physical power button on a desktop? My family members have a bad habit of using the power button to turn off the family desktop so I'd like to put a stop to that if possible
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    If these other people were using standard user accounts your admin account setting should overrule their actions in power option
    Be aware if your computer locks up you might have to unplug it for it to shutdown.
    How to block hard shutdown-power-plan-change-what-power-button-does.png
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 26
    Windows 7 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    I've tried that, but if I hold down the power button for a few seconds it still shuts off
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    Yea it is sort of a recovery feature of the board heck even win-10 uses it for recovery access instead of other conventional methods.

    What is the action actually doing to the machine that you don't want others using it as a way to shut down ?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 26
    Windows 7 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Won't it hurt the hdd or OS if it's shut down improperly too many times?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 31,250
    Windows 11 Pro x64 [Latest Release and Release Preview]

    The only way to do what you wish would be to override the action of the on off switch. This switch is designed and Mechanically constructed to work as you have described where a momentary press sends a signal to the Motherboard which triggers the system to go into a controlled shut down, and if this is longer than a pre-set time to hard cut the voltage to the device.

    Although it may be possible to remove this functionality it would take a lot of work and probably involve major mods to the motherboard itself.

    Your best bet has to be education, (a technique I have used is a card cover over the on-off switch, with a note explaining the correct method written on the Cover), you could of course open the case and disconnect the switch and re-locate to the rear of the case but this will not prevent a frustrated family member from pulling the plug from the wall.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 26
    Windows 7 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Thanks barman for that info
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 31,250
    Windows 11 Pro x64 [Latest Release and Release Preview]

    If you ever get to look at a major server farm you may see that the on off switches are actually key operated, (with the keys removed), so it's not only a family issue
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    Indeed :)
    The only might be unexpected result of using the power button to shut down... is in win-7 it will usually go to a black screen with start normally/ Safe mode....
    Which isn't necessarily a bad thing hdd's are pretty tough most of them
    ssd's on the other hand it might pay a toll on them after a while.

    But yes it is bad practice when it takes little effort to go through the start button and shut down.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 26
    Windows 7 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Thanks guys
      My Computer


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