Restore missing image thumbnails

  1. Posts : 69
    Wind7 64 x 3 | Win Vista 32 | Ubunto

    Restore missing image thumbnails

    For some reason in the past week many but not all of my images no longer show thumbnails. What I see now is the Gimp icon with an X on it but no thumb of the actual image.

    Image Viewer works and can view but it is a pain when you are trying to edit images and cant see which ones you are selecting.

    I've jumped through the basic hoops such as checking folder settings. Adding the ShowThumb .reg file here and in the group policy editor the line suggested simply does not exist.

    This is very annoying. Any help most appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 69
    Wind7 64 x 3 | Win Vista 32 | Ubunto
    Thread Starter

    Adding interesting note: Just to see what happened I did a copy/paste of a folder with missing thumbs. When I open the copy I have thumbnails. I changed the name of the original and then renamed the copied folder to the original /images name. Now I have thumbnails. But if I open the original folder with the new name, no thumbnails?

    Color me baffled
      My Computer


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