Is anyone still using Windows 7?

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  1. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Home 64

    spapakons said:
    I would rather use Windows XP than Linux...
    I'm writing this from a Linux machine. Been using Linux for some years now. That's why Windows 7 is the last version of Windows that I own. And will only use this Windows 7 that I have because of the software that I bought to use with it years ago. Other than that, I'll never go back to Windows. I find that Linux is very nice, and that Windows really sucks. Speaking from experience.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 28

    XP Haswell Racoon

    I recently updated one of my Haswell machines to XP (I'm writing this post). RacoonPal is a good browser.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 102
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    You can run "regular" Windows for x86-64 CPUs on an Apple Silicon Mac using EMULATION in UTM (virtual machine based on Qemu) but this will have a performance penalty. I don't know how much it will slow down, but it is a good compromise if you are stuck with Apple Silicon. I would rather spend the same money to get a MUCH better Windows PC or laptop.

    UTM | Virtual machines for Mac

    - - - Updated - - -

    sebs said:
    I'm writing this from a Linux machine. Been using Linux for some years now. That's why Windows 7 is the last version of Windows that I own. And will only use this Windows 7 that I have because of the software that I bought to use with it years ago. Other than that, I'll never go back to Windows. I find that Linux is very nice, and that Windows really sucks. Speaking from experience.
    With the known exception of Intel graphics drivers that are locked by Intel not to install in Windows 8 or higher, almost any other Vista or newer driver works in Windows 8/10/11. Of course the newer the better, but Windows 7 drivers should work if no newer are available. Also almost all applications and games also work on Windows 10/11. For all the deprecated features (Windows Media Center, gadgets etc) there are workarounds to bring them back on Windows 10 and 11. This is in case you want to try Windows again and for anyone else it might concern.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    I still use it !! Don't care for 8, 10 or 11.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 102
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    In my work we have some old computers still running Windows 7 32-bit. I use one Intel Quad Core and one Intel Celeron socket 478 (contemporary and slower than Intel Pentium 4 socket 478). The latter had only 512MB RAM running Windows XP. Finally I found some spare DDR RAM modules and managed to increase the RAM to 1.5GB (wow!) Then I decided I had enough with the limitations of Windows XP and it was about time to upgrade. In order not to lose any data and avoid reinstalling all our applications, I first upgraded to Windows Vista and then to Windows 7 32-bit which is the last OS it can run. I installed all the available updates, updated Firefox and Chrome to the latest compatible version (109) and now it is much better than running Windows XP. Since we can do our job, I see no reason to upgrade the Quad Core to Windows 10 yet. If it works, don't fix it, as they say. I even installed patchpae3 in the Quad Core to enable Windows 7 32-bit access the whole 4GB RAM. It is an improvement from 3.25GB to 4GB RAM, not much but noticeable. I wish I could install more RAM.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Where to find patchpae3: GitHub - evgen-b/PatchPAE3: PAE patch for Windows 2K/XP - 10
      My Computer

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