Is anyone still using Windows 7?
Is anyone still using Windows 7?
I haven't been on here for a few years, but just curious - is anyone still using Windows 7 and if so, how? Offline or paying for updates?
I haven't been on here for a few years, but just curious - is anyone still using Windows 7 and if so, how? Offline or paying for updates?
Hi Hazel, you probably know me from Ten and Eleven Forums, but I also have a windows 7 laptop that's in regular use. I keep it offline because I use it to maintain all my financial spreadsheets. It has MS Office 2003 installed.
Hi Bree - yes I do know you from 10 and 11 forums
Windows 7 is still used by integrating unofficial compatibility fixes for new hardware.
Even Windows XP has ACPI patches, backported NVMe drivers, .NET 4.6.2, AHCI + Intel RST drivers as well.
You still have to register Windows 7 with a Microsoft license key afterwards, but it cans actually boot & work fine on new hardware if you try hard enough.
Another benefit of Windows 7 is not having Windows 10 updates that update your EFI firmware when it should never be updated silently like Windows 10 does, too risky.
I never understood why Windows 10 updates somehow touch the motherboard firmware anyway.
Win10 updates should only update Win10, not the motherboard firmware.
Long story short, yes - Windows 7 is still in use, but you need to put in more efforts to get it working.
Yes I do. :o)
I use one win7pro x64 as my Media center computer everyday. 
Why still win7.. The hardware starts to get old, so it is no use to upgrade to more modern OS as that will only slow down the computer.
security-wise.. sure it is kind of unsecure, but as i don't use that computer for email, browsing internet and stuff like that.. The chance of getting a malware is less likely then winning ten million dollar on the lottery next week.
I still have a laptop with Windows 7 I use for games that won't run on Windows 10. I also use it online with no issues, updates are disabled. I don't recommend anyone use an OS that doesn't receive security updates except for expert users (I also have an XP laptop).
I am running 7-11.
i.e. Any hardware with SSD upgraded to Windows 11, otherwise Windows 7 (If no SSD, or couldn't run Windows 11. such as old macros/scripts).
To reduce maintenance burden, no Windows 8/8.1 10.
I'm running 7-11 too and still finding Win 7 to be the most stable and dependable OS of all time made by Microsoft. Win 11 IMO has a long, long ways to go but in some ways it's a vast improvement to Win 10. Win 8.1 died on this unit 48 hours after EOL and not really sure why but it pretty much crashed on every PC in the house afterward. I decided not to reinstall it on this PC after much consideration. Never ran Win 10 on my Work Station. No plans of doing so either. So it's 7-11 for me.
I did a clean install of Windows 7 Pro 64-bit in 3 of my 7 refurbished computers over the weekend.
Besides it being quicker and easier to set up and configure to my liking, I find it more enjoyable to use than Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.
And it looks like support for it may be able to be eeked out for another year and a half.