MS new charge for W10 users

  1. Posts : 7,218
    W7 home premium 32bit/W7HP 64bit/w10 tp insider ring

    MS new charge for W10 users

    wouldn't surprise me if the number of W7 users will increase because of MS's decision to charge for end of life extended support, im actually thinking about "upgrading" my w10 back to W7 as its W11 incompatible
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 72,858
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

    Hello mate,

    Microsoft has always charged for ESU.

    It's usually only been available for businesses, but this time MS is making it also available to consumers if wanted.

    Windows 10 ESU support program for consumers available one-year option - Windows 10 Forums
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,501
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Hardly surprising, they did exactl the same with Win7 after abandoning it. Not a too crazy decision either, as they're focusing somewhere else and fundamentally abandoning Win10 too.

    Once again, no reason to panic, Windows will continue to work exactly as before (for good or bad), but "end of life" means absolute nothing to us, end users. It's only a random date to the programed obsolecense of Windows so that they force to buy a new one, or to buy extended support.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 442
    Windows 7/8.1/10 multiboot

    "... because of MS's decision to charge for end of life extended support"
    Out of curiosity, why do you think that would incentive people to ditch W10 in favor of an older OS that also doesn't get any updates? Of course, most of us here have always considered W7 to be the better OS anyway, but I'm not sure the majority of W10 users share the same view, so why would cessation of (free) updates make a difference?

    Yeah, hackers are always going to be a threat to any OS that isn't updated, but I personally consider Microsoft to be the bigger threat to my computer than hackers. And given MS's abysmal quality record, coupled with their insistence on forced updates, I'd consider the end of support to be a blessing.

    I stopped updating my W7 daily driver in 2017, and it's continued to hum along quite nicely. Meanwhile, I've watched W10 users struggle with updates breaking printers, unilaterally deleting user files, dropping internet access, overriding user settings, and a whole host of other problems on an almost monthly basis. So if I were inclined to use W10 as my daily OS, I'd actually prefer a non-updating W10 to an auto-updating W10 anyway.
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  5. Posts : 7,218
    W7 home premium 32bit/W7HP 64bit/w10 tp insider ring
    Thread Starter

    Love @Brinks comment IF WANTED
    @Alejandro85 NO panic involved on my part still running it on my Acer... with Bitdefender and OperaGX
    @dg1261 not an incentive but more of a prefference... lot of users disliked W10 so if both are end of life which do you prefer
      My Computer


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