UltraAV disabled my keyboard and mouse

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 64 bit

    UltraAV disabled my keyboard and mouse

    A few weeks ago Kaspersky told me to download and install UltraAV so I did. My computer still worked fine but the UltraAV console crashed before being displayed. I asked UltraAV what to do. They told me to uninstall Kasperky so I began doing that. After the first restart my keyboard and mouse ceased to work. UltraAV then told me "Oh, UltraAV doesn't work with Windows 7". I am still using Windows 7 but I want to upgrade. I asked UltraAV how to make my keyboard and mouse work again. They had me try other keyboards and mice which, of course, also failed to work. They then told me to uninstall UltraAV. I asked how seeing that I can't use my keyboard and mouse. I haven't heard from them since.
    So I booted up the Windows Repair Disk and tried the following. Using regedit I deleted all the UltraAV and UltraVPN entries I could identify. I changed the name of the files \Windows\System32\drivers\dbs.sys to dbs.xxx, dbscandrv.sys to dbscandrv.xxx, dbx-dev.sys to dbx-dev.xxx, dbx-stable.sys to dbx-stable.xxx, and ultravpn-netfilter2.sys to ultravpn-nextfilter2.xxx. I changed the names of the directories \Program Files\UltraAV to Program Files\UltraAVx, \Program Files\UltraVPN TAP-WINDOWS to Program Files\UltraVPNx TAP-Windows, \Program Files(x86)\UltraVPN to \Program Files(x86)\UltraVPNx, and \ProgramData\UltraVPN to \ProgramData\UltraVPNx. This didn't improve the situation.
    Next I want to try to use the Remote Console to uninstall UltraAV. I will be posting a request for how to do that next. If that doesn't work I will try installing Windows 10. My current processor isn't supported by Windows 11. If that doesn't work I will try re-installing Windows 7. Any other ideas will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 20
    Windows 7 HP 64

    If your files are backed up, reinstall Windows 7.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,506
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    The sneaky behavior and the number of times you said "they tell me to do....." smells very bad. I would consider the computer compromised and reformat it immediately.
      My Computer


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