Monitor turning on by itself after turning off due to Power Setting

  1. Posts : 57
    Windows 7 Pro 32 & 64 bit

    Monitor turning on by itself after turning off due to Power Setting

    I have my power settings set to turn off my monitor after 3 minutes

    After it turns out, sometimes it turns back on my itself a few minutes later. Then it will turn off again and usually stay off until I move the mouse or hit a key

    I checked for any updating software, any scheduled tasks, nothing is running. I also unplugged my Ethernet cable to see if it was some network thing, and it still happened so it;s not that. Any ideas why this is happening?
    Last edited by sluggerb; 10 Jan 2025 at 16:36.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

    Nothing comes to mind, unless it's MS Antimalware scanner. You could look in this folder to see when the last logged activity was (an *.log file, open with a text editor):

    C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\Support\

    Have you tried leaving Task Manager open, on the processes tab, and sorted by the CPU % column to see if anything is using an unexpected amount of processor time when the monitor comes on?

    Have you tried unplugging the mouse, in case it's randomly getting some stray light bounce direction and waking the system up?

    Does it happen at exactly the same time every day or day of the week? How often is it happening? I am getting the impression that this is something waiting for a PC idle state instead, yes?
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 57
    Windows 7 Pro 32 & 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Does it happen at exactly the same time every day or day of the week? How often is it happening? I am getting the impression that this is something waiting for a PC idle state instead, yes?
    It happens whenever the PC monitor turns off. It seems to b the same amount of time after the screen initially turns off, I'd say a minute, then the screen turns back on, then there is another 3 minute delay (thats how long I have ths screen pff time set), then it will stay off until I move the mouse again

    I will try the task manager trick
      My Computer


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