Recover after fail

  1. Posts : 3

    Recover after fail

    Hello. I have a computer with Windows 7 on it, which had an administrator password on it but I removed it and then installed some programs, then I went into the bios and it was set to ATA in the bios but I tried to set it to AHCI and it wouldn't boot into Windows after that, it kept giving me a blue screen, then the option to start Windows normally or "launch startup repair" and I gave it "launch startup repair", but that didn't work either, I think it tried to repair it but I don't think it succeeded, then I went into the bios again and changed from AHCI to ATA and it let me enter Windows on a new restart, but now Windows asked me for the administrator password again even though I removed it and all the programs I installed disappeared, as if they weren't there or I didn't install them, it was practically from scratch, how do you explain this? What actually happened? Why did my installed programs disappear or how did they end up being deleted? Why is it asking me for the same administrator password again if I removed it before this error, before changing those things in the bios, from ATA to AHCI? How do I return to the initial state again? Or at least see what was deleted? Or how can I see what programs I had installed before? Or how can I recover my data, what disappeared? Or that I lost or were deleted after this incident? Thanks a lot!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,925
    win 8 32 bit

    In file manager can you see the profiles its possible your logged in with a temp or other user
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    Thread Starter

    Hello, I had only one user, not log in other users. Or where in file manager to see?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,925
    win 8 32 bit

    c: users is there a temp or other
      My Computer


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