Windows 7 and Internet Use

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  1. Posts : 18
    Window 7 Home Premium (X64)

    Windows 7 and Internet Use

    Is there anyone else using Windows 7 for internet use on a daily basis and if so, have you ever had an actual experience that made you stop using it.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 640
    Windows 7 x64 SP1

    While I don't use it literally every day, I have no qualms whatsoever about using it whenever I want. has been said many times that the biggest factor by far in internet security is the user. Safe browsing habits are 90% of online security.

    Use Microsoft Security Essentials, and update it every day. Run a scan at the end of every day. MSE works on Windows 7, at least for now. And it uses the same definitions as Defender on Windows 10 and 11.

    Having said all that: it is still possible to be infected. It is possible on any and every operating system. The only problem I have ever had was with a BSD system. Someone hacked my system, I actually saw them, typing in a terminal right before my eyes. All we can do is use safe browsing happens, run a good AV, and hope for the best. If you do these things, it is unlikely - but not impossible - that you will have any problems.

    Still, why take chances? My solution is to use Windows 7 for the one thing I need it for, music composition. for everyday browsing, I use Linux. It is a perfect arrangement. Not hard to do. You can dual boot, or, better yet, use separate computers. Virtually no chance of any problems this way.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18
    Window 7 Home Premium (X64)
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for replying Michael,
    I have no other option really but to use Windows 7. It's on both my HP desktops, one Home Premium and the other Windows Ultimate. I also have a laptop, a Dell Latitude E7470 with Windows 7 Pro. The desktops are used regularly for internet banking and other financial uses. Up until very recently they were all covered with a three PC subscription to Kaspersky AV. Recent world events and warnings both here in the UK and America convinced me to stop using it and I have removed it from all my PC's. I still had about 3 months left on the subscription. For the moment I have just installed AVG Free on them all until deciding what to do.
    The precautions I take are that I do not use the Cloud, all personal files are saved on PHD's and used from there. Most importantly I have complete system images created from different stages on PHD's as well and can wipe my PC's, including Windows, then get back to almost where I was.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 16,554
    7 X64

    Have you an aversion to mse
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 640
    Windows 7 x64 SP1

    I don't know what a PHD is, other than an academic title. I must admit that doing banking on Windows 7 would make me very nervous. You would be better off switching to Linux. It is not nearly as hard as its reputation. There are several Linux systems (or distros) that are user friendly enough that they have a very easy learning curve. Anyone can start using Mint, Zorin or Elementary immediately. Many other as well. And all free.

    I'm assuming these are personal machines, and not business. If the latter, even more reason not to use Windows 7. If you are hesitant because you use Word or Excel, you can still use them, through the Wine program, which allows you to install some Windows apps. I have in our household Microsoft Office working on Linux. Also, there are Linux equivalents which most find perfectly usable.

    As I said, internet banking is the one activity I would not do, or let anyone in my household do, on Windows 7. I would either start using Linux or bite the bullet and upgrade to 10/11.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 18
    Window 7 Home Premium (X64)
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for your reply SIW2,
    As regards mse I would not use it. I previously upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 on my older HP desktop and used it for about 6 months. I never actually liked W10 but the built in telemetry was always a problem for me. Even worse was all the forced updates that seemed to go on forever. Although I was well past the time to revert back to W7 I managed to do it by setting the HP desktop back to factory settings on the protected partition of the hard drive. The whole experience sickened me with Micro Soft to the extent that if there is alternative software to MS then that is what i use.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The PHD's that I was referring to are Portable Hard Drives. I never store banking, personal or things like passwords on the actual computer and do not trust Passport Managers either. I also use Firefox with Startpage (The world's most private search engine combination) and Mozilla Thunderbird for emails.
    My PC's are private, in fact I'm well into retirement now. That's why I am reluctant to learn Linux but will keep an open mind. It is doubtfull however if it could be used for banking and financial transactions.
    Again I would not use MS Office and use alternative programs for all my interests which include word processing, spreadsheets, music editing, desktop publishing and CAD.
    I note your comments about banking but you have not explained why, I started the thread hoping to find out if anyone has had an actual experience or explain why W7 is not safe for Internet use.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 640
    Windows 7 x64 SP1

    Ah, "Portable," of course. I was thinking, maybe "Peripheral?" I had never seen them abbreviated like that. But it's good that you are doing it that way, that does provide some protection.

    Many of us here share your dislike of Windows 10. but there is nothing wrong with MSE. It's a very good AV, but nothing wrong with going with something else either. The problem is there isn't much else at this point. At some point it will become pointless to use W-7 as anything but an offline system to run special software. Like where Vista is now. Almost nobody running that anymore.

    I started with Linux about 11 years ago, when I retired. I think learning new things as we age is a good idea. I found it very interesting, a whole new world to explore. I soon learned that you can do almost anything on it that you would do on Windows. There are exceptions. Although I got my music creation going on Linux, it took tremendous effort and time, and still I had crashes, and had to be online for one of my orchestral libraries to authorize. That was the thing that drove me back to Windows 7. I did try 10, but like you the update vortex and other noxious stuff was too much. Now I have the best of both worlds.

    Give Linux a try. You have time now that you are retired. What's to lose? As for bad stuff, I tried to address that by saying that hacks and infections can happen on any system, and that behavior is your best protection. But the more sensitive the content, the less chances you should take. Just makes sense.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 18
    Window 7 Home Premium (X64)
    Thread Starter

    Bit of a delay in replying but it was about midnight when I read your last post and now it is the following evening. The biggest threat would be the financial and banking aspect but it will not stop me continuing to use them with my Windows 7 PC's, after all I have been doing so for years without any problems. These various sites that I have to log into are very secure, not only requiring passwords and codes which are not held on my PC, then there is secondary security sent to your mobile phone which you have to enter before you can log in. I do not think with that level of security it would make any difference whatsoever whether using Windows 7 or 11. My bank that I use via an online account also has the same level of security and the telephone banking facility that I set up via my W7 PC is protected by voice recognition. Again no difference between using W7 or W11 that I can see.
    I think W7 might have a much longer life yet than you suggest, Microsoft is doing it's best to discourage that view by spreading scaremongering propaganda everywhere you look, including forums like this. It has it's advocates pushing people to update to W10 and W11 as the only way forward. This forum should be about supporting W7 not encouraging people to abandon it.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 43
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    I do agree with dblack's opinion. Microsoft is pushing us to abandon all previous operating systems and head for Windows 11 which will also be subsided when a new version appears. I have been using Windows 7 since the beginning and is the only OS that has continued to operate without problems. I am able to manipulate programs/templates on Win7, not hide them as you will do in Win10 & 11. I loathe adverts and prying eyes which you will receive a lot of in 10 and 11.

    Ten years ago I abandoned AVG and decided to move to NordVPN to protect my computers. I use Win7 for banking and have no problems as the sites also tend to protect you when entering. Having the appropriate software installed on your computer is a must. It is propaganda that is forcing one to change to Win11. If you are happy with Win7 as it is, why change? Since leaving AVG, I have had no issues with my computer.

    Just another point - if you are happy with the way you have set up your computer, you can back it up by using a program TerabyteUnlimited. You can back it up to a DVD or another partition on a hard drive. Restoring the complete backup takes about 10-15 minutes. (This is just an opinion, not a sale).

    All the best, don't get 'hooked'!
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 7,228
    W7 home premium 32bit/W7HP 64bit/w10 tp insider ring

    Im using Bitdefender(free) on mine, however the paid version includes the VPN option
      My Computer

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