Re-install Questions

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  1. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    Hello Dave.

    Yes; that would be the wise thing to do. I even have the latest edition of Acronis sitting right here on disc. I just need to get off my *** and make an image. Learning is what this is all about with me. That will be a new experience. Not to mention; it would give me license to 'experiment' even more. Thanks for the nudge to action!

    Later Ted
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 748
    Vista and now 7 in 32 and 64 bit.

    Go for it! I've got Vista 64 and 32 and now 7 on my computer in triple boot. I have 7 images at present. Start it going when you make your coffee or watch your favourite Tv show!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,588
    SEVEN x64

    Bare Foot Kid said:
    Hello all....:)

    I just finished the new install and everything went real well. I've got it all patched and activated and it's running fine. One thing though; I'm not going to hack this one up willy nilly.....I'm going to take my time and be deliberate, patient and I'm going to do this one right, so I don't have to start all over again, again....

    Later :) Ted
    never a truer word spoken my friend , im in the same boat & the mistakes i made the first time around wont happen again.

    W7 is currently far more delicate than vista SP1 is, so there will be loads more research before i go hacking willy

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 576
    Vista X32. Windows 7 32bit

    davehc said:
    I live by using an image. (Acronis in this case) I have found this to be more reliable if you are doing a lot of testing. You do it the hard, but safe way, like me, or just make an image of the original installation and revert back to it whenever you are in trouble. When I first install, I make an image. (I still have the very original from Vista Beta days) I then install all my software and make another image. Then full, known customisation and one more image. From then on, it's personal wish when, if ever, I want to make another. It may sound tedious but it has saved me from disasters an uncountable number of times. With Acronis, for example, you can restore the whole thing, or a part thereof. The program also allows you to make a boot CD for the real big disaster! Takes only about twenty minutes to put a full imag back, this even includes such things as the original MBR and, if any, activation.
    So right. Saved my life yesterday after I got the Antivirus Virus.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,027
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64/ Windows Vista Ultimate x64

    Well I took the plunge and got Acronis to make some images of 7 and vista.
      My Computer

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