Install problems

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows XP

    Install problems

    Hi all

    I am having problems trying to install Windows 7. I have burnt the iso to a dvd and installed on to a second hard drive, it seems to install ok but it gets as far as where it says "pre beta copy" down in the bottom right of the screen and then thats it dosent go any further, I have no desktop just a black screen

    Anyone have any ideas?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 748
    Vista and now 7 in 32 and 64 bit.

    Does anything pop up if you right clcik the black screen? What happens if you boot into safe mode?
    Seems at this stage that it is having a problem with your graphics card.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows XP
    Thread Starter

    thanks for the reply,
    When I turn the computer on I get a choice to either select "older version of windows" or "windows 7", so I select windows 7 and it starts to boot, how do I run windows 7 in safe mode?

    I havent tried to right click, but I think it just freezes.

    Here is my spec:

    Intel Core 2 duo E6400
    2GB Geil Ram
    Nvidia 8800 GTS 640mb gfx card
    500GB Hardrive (Windows XP)
    80GB Hardrive (WIndows 7)
    Gigabyte DS3 motherboard
    Blackgold dual DVB-T TV tuner (PCI express)

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,870
    MS Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1

    Keep Pressing F8 as its booting up....choose safemode.

    When booted, type msconfig into search, select boot tab and configure your boot options. Make sure you dont delete any working OSes boot entries.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 354
    Vista Ultimate 32 bit, Win 7 Pro 32 bit, Win 7 Pro 64 bit

    dazza1210 said:

    Intel Core 2 duo E6400
    2GB Geil Ram
    Nvidia 8800 GTS 640mb gfx card
    500GB Hardrive (Windows XP)
    80GB Hardrive (WIndows 7)
    Gigabyte DS3 motherboard
    Blackgold dual DVB-T TV tuner (PCI express)

    Setups similar to mine should work.
      My Computer


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