Need Urgent help with booting
Made an inadvertant error on my Win7 computer details are:
Hard drive 1TB - partioned as:
Drive C - 200GB
Drive D - 100MB - system drive
Drive E - 300Gb
Drive F - 487GB
I decided to split Drive F into 2 drives, so using the Disk Management routine I shrunk Drive F by 200GB and then created a new volume with the 200GB, setting the drive as S.
I then installed MSFlight Simulator X onto drive S. I came up with a problem while it was installing Direct X and after downloading directx webinstall and receiving an error pointing to my dvd drive I just used the Restart option to reboot my machine.
The reboot now stops at the Loading Operating System message and that's it. It has occurred to me that perhaps the computer is now trying to boot from the new drive S that I created and not from my original C drive.
Could someone advise me how to change the boot drive back to Drive C, I have tried to Google an answer but after several hours it appears pointless so I'm hoping that some forum member will have an answer for me.