Cannot open multiple documents
More precisely, cannot open more than 15 documents at once.
Here's the scenario. You've got a folder with say, 42 text files. In XP, you would select them, then hit enter, and they all pop up, one after another. The order would be that the last file would open first, then the remaining files would open in the order they are listed in Explorer.
Windows 7 is not like that. Here's what happens.
Pick all 42 files, hit enter. Nothing. No error, no warning, just nothing happens.
Pick 2 files, hit enter. Opens just like normal.
Pick 20 files, nothing.
Pick 10 files, works fine.
Pick 15 files, works fine.
Pick 16 files, nothing.
More oddness. When multiple files open, they open in a random order. More more oddness. Close them, then open then again. Random, but in a different random order!
My thought on this is that it is just a bug. That the number of files is (16) or (2^4) or (hex f), suggests to me that the programmer didn't allow for numbers large than (hex f). Although that number could mean nothing and is simply a coincidence.
Can you please try it? If I am the only one that can't open more than 15 files, it's a problem on my end and I'll address it as such. But if everyone else has the problem, I think we've found a bug. Or even better, if you have a solution, post it here.