Windows 7 awkward feel, missing WinXP, need advice
This is my first post on this forum and I really need your help.
I needed a x64 OS, and up to date multi-processor/hardware optimizations and Win7 seemed to be the only viable choice, since WinXP x64 died long time ago.
So, I've installed the x64 Professional version.
The problem is that I can't get used to it, it feels so much different than XP.
I feel very awkward every time I need to do something that involves the Win7's menus.
I miss the quicklaunch bar, the standard taskbar, the classic start menu, the show desktop button that I had in quicklaunch, My Documents folder, Windows Explorer menus and layouts, the standard icons(for example the ones for folders/JPEG files/etc), the fact that there is no View as Thumbnails option when I set never display as thumbnails, Documents and Settings folder, the text sharpness that XP had(with Standard setting for edges smoothing), and many many other things that I don't remember right now.
What can I do?