What is upxp64.dll?

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  1. Posts : 41
    Win 7 x64 Ultimate

    What is upxp64.dll?

    Found this strange upxp64.dll as an autostart item in my Win 7 64-bit Ultimate.

    Making a search for that file throughout my system, it's location is C:\Users\Uffe\AppData\Local\upxp64\upxp64.dll. There are no other files in that folder upxp64. Looking at file details in Properties, File description, File version, Product name, Product version, Copyright and Language are empty. The only displayed file details are Size 84.0 KB and Date modified 27.2.2010 13:50.

    The only occurance in the registry is:
    "upxp64"="rundll32.exe \"C:\\Users\\Uffe\\AppData\\Local\\upxp64\\upxp64.dll\", DllInit"

    I searched the web with Google + several other search engines - nothing came up, zilch, nada.
    My security tool (NIS 2010) and Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware don't object to the file.

    I'm wondering what that file might be related to. I find no reason, and it makes me uneasy not to understand & know the purpose of that startup item.

    I now disabled this Autostart item, and I haven't noticed any change - system running smoothly.:)

    Can anybody shed some light on this? I'm tempted to delete that folder.

    Cheers Uffe
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,608
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit SP1

    Do you play any online games?
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  3. Posts : 1,506
    W7 Ult. x64 | OS X

    Never heard of it, you can try this program, but I doubt it'll know either:

    ProcessLibrary.com - The online resource for process information!
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  4. Posts : 1,519
    El Capitan / Windows 10

    ustahl said:
    Found this strange upxp64.dll as an autostart item in my Win 7 64-bit Ultimate.

    Making a search for that file throughout my system, it's location is C:\Users\Uffe\AppData\Local\upxp64\upxp64.dll. There are no other files in that folder upxp64. Looking at file details in Properties, File description, File version, Product name, Product version, Copyright and Language are empty. The only displayed file details are Size 84.0 KB and Date modified 27.2.2010 13:50.

    The only occurance in the registry is:
    "upxp64"="rundll32.exe \"C:\\Users\\Uffe\\AppData\\Local\\upxp64\\upxp64.dll\", DllInit"

    I searched the web with Google + several other search engines - nothing came up, zilch, nada.
    My security tool (NIS 2010) and Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware don't object to the file.

    I'm wondering what that file might be related to. I find no reason, and it makes me uneasy not to understand & know the purpose of that startup item.

    I now disabled this Autostart item, and I haven't noticed any change - system running smoothly.:)

    Can anybody shed some light on this? I'm tempted to delete that folder.

    Cheers Uffe
    Zip it and attach it and I'll extract the strings from it.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 41
    Win 7 x64 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    Jacee said:
    Do you play any online games?
    No, I only game offline, but some games check with a server for update, DRM etc.

    Cheers Uffe
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 41
    Win 7 x64 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    baarod said:
    Zip it and attach it and I'll extract the strings from it.
    You mean I PM you with file attached? How do I do that?

    Cheers Uffe
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,506
    W7 Ult. x64 | OS X

    Just place it in a zip file and attach it to a post using the "Manage Attachments" button in a full reply. (Hit Advanced)
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 41
    Win 7 x64 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    File attached

    Hope I succeeded in my 1st attempt to upload a file to the forum.

    Thanks for the advice.

    Cheers Uffe
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 41
    Win 7 x64 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    notsograymatter said:
    Never heard of it, you can try this program, but I doubt it'll know either:
    ProcessLibrary.com - The online resource for process information!
    You were right, it said:
    Oooops... Process Not Found

    Thanks for trying, though.

    Cheers Uffe
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,519
    El Capitan / Windows 10

    No discernible strings but from the imports list it looks like a graphics utility of some kind. Maybe a screen grabber? Here's the raw imports:

    GetProcessHeap  ˆVirtualQuery  RLoadLibraryA  lstrcatW  #InitializeCriticalSection }GetModuleFileNameA  QLeaveCriticalSection  T CreateFileMappingA  ˜ EnterCriticalSection  f CreateProcessA  *GetProcAddress  qGetLastError  †VirtualProtect  HeapFree  GetSystemTimeAsFileTime  HeapValidate  C CopyFileA qUnmapViewOfFile lstrlenA  GetModuleHandleA  GetSystemDirectoryA GetThreadPriority  FindFirstChangeNotificationA  *ReadConsoleInputW ? ConvertDefaultLocale  GetVersionExW GetVersionExA ŽGetNumberFormatA  GlobalAddAtomA  
    SetDefaultCommConfigW [SystemTimeToFileTime  GetTempPathA  ' CallNamedPipeA   FindFirstChangeNotificationW  GlobalDeleteAtom  vGetLogicalDriveStringsA RtlUnwind lstrcmpiW ?IsValidCodePage GetThreadLocale “ DuplicateHandle HeapUnlock   EnumSystemLocalesA  GlobalFlags ~GetModuleFileNameW   EnumResourceNamesW  GetProfileIntW  
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