hmm two nvidia and one ati...
are you guys running wddm 1.1 drivers???
ATI Radeon Mobility x1400 here...but I think that the extra space on the right click panel don't mess with the graphic card
Nvidia 8500GT 512 here... I believe it's not a card problem either, natri, but I should try a driver update. I have those recognized by Windows7 natively
I think I found what the Extra Space is, and this must happen to all of you 6956 testers...
It only happens to files in the Libraries... other files in c:\ or Desktop or other folders don't do this.
My assumption: Microsoft will try to include an icon or description on the left pane of the context menu for library items, but it's incomplete or missing in the version yet.
Hmm, I got that weird space to the left when I installed winrar on my old build 6801. Removing it resolved the issue; I installed 7zip instead. So far I've had no strange or buggy issues with 6956, besides a small oddity with boot times. No ghosts. And I'm running on Nvidia too.
I cannot reproduce either of the symptoms on three very different computers. The worst is with an old AGP ATI 9600 pro?
Fwiw. You can send feedback to Microsoft, even with an unactivated copy. You are limited in what you can say. Just click the Feedback tool and cancel the message. You then have the full availability.
Last edited by davehc; 11 Dec 2008 at 03:27.
Winrar context handling causes the extra space on the left!
Removing it solves it...
Thank you, napilopez. Cheers