Annoying Ghost In Build 6956

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  1. Posts : 1,009
    Windows 7 RC 7100 32bit/64bit

    Windows 7 handles context menus differently. In previous versions, the icon of the application , if it used one in the context menu, was shown next to the text of the command. Now it's split on the left, and it's shown in a different column. (avast handles it right)
    It's now obvious that winrar can't handle it, cause it didn't display any icon at all. Neither on the left column nor on the right column, next to the text.
    So it's a context handling issue that either winrar and other apps will have to fix, or microsoft will have to predict an autofit/autofix for that. Send Feedback perhaps?

    7z does work ok because it displays its context menus on another, expandable menu, not messing with the top menu.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,633
    Win 7 Ult SP1/Win 10 Pro (all x64)
    Thread Starter

    I've uninstalled everything for now but I never had Winrar installed, only 7-Zip. Similar issues?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,899
    Windows 7 Ult x64(x2), HomePrem x32(x4), Server 08 (+VM), 08 R2 (VM) , SuSe 11.2 (VM), XP 32 (VM)

    limneos said:

    Winrar context handling causes the extra space on the left!

    Removing it solves it...

    Thank you, napilopez. Cheers

    all right so it is the way a program handles a context menu...
    i mean i can also confirm since i know why...
    all the apps installed dont install context menus which in turn is the reason why i dont see it...

    we are agreeing that winrar is culprit...
    anyone have any other apps that install context sensitive menu???
    i will install some later and see what happens...
    well at least 7-zip works....
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,899
    Windows 7 Ult x64(x2), HomePrem x32(x4), Server 08 (+VM), 08 R2 (VM) , SuSe 11.2 (VM), XP 32 (VM)

    Ex_Brit said:
    I've uninstalled everything for now but I never had Winrar installed, only 7-Zip. Similar issues?
    7zip also creates context menus so it can be a suspect...
    and that was my
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 748
    Vista and now 7 in 32 and 64 bit.

    With winzip or winrar open, I still cannot create the ghost. Maybe the fault is with the choice of desktops (I am not running Aero)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,633
    Win 7 Ult SP1/Win 10 Pro (all x64)
    Thread Starter

    Who knows? I'm back to 6801 now and don't have the problem any more.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5
    Windows 7 Build 6956/ Vista

    Use Izarc instead of WinRar or 7zip. It handles many different extensions and its freeware.
    IZArc - Download
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,899
    Windows 7 Ult x64(x2), HomePrem x32(x4), Server 08 (+VM), 08 R2 (VM) , SuSe 11.2 (VM), XP 32 (VM)

    J ReDz said:
    Use Izarc instead of WinRar or 7zip. It handles many different extensions and its freeware.
    IZArc - Download
    hey imma link it to my thread ok???
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 5
    Windows 7 Build 6956/ Vista

    Ok then darkassain.
      My Computer

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