Time random after reboot

  1. Posts : 54
    Windows 7 Ultimate / Ubuntu 10.04

    Time random after reboot

    Whenever I reboot my time is random, how can I fix this?

    And yes, I've set it to the right time before rebooting.
      My Computer

  2. ryo
    Posts : 1,953
    windows 7

    that's was a BIOS battery.
    when you set up the date and time then you reboot, does the date and time change ??
    if yes, you must change your BIOS battery, normally for CPU is 3V.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 54
    Windows 7 Ultimate / Ubuntu 10.04
    Thread Starter

    The date was fine yesterday when I was resetting, but now the date was the 16th and today is the 17th.

    I find it hard to believe my battery is dead, as the motherboard is only 7 months old, and Linux's time & date are fine.
      My Computer

  4. ryo
    Posts : 1,953
    windows 7

    just do some simple ways, shut down your computer, take out the battery and put it back again. run computer, at the first time it's will show up your bios setting,set your date and time and press F10 to save setting.
      My Computer


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