Maybe, just maybe, Apple is concerned
First some background: I have used MS windows since the mid-80s. I recently dumped my PC for a Mac Book Pro due to extensive issues with Vista. I am quite happy with the MPB but my work requires me to run some windows-software (Visio and MS Project to be specific). I use VMware fusion to run windows on my Mac and since OSX can address lots of memory (in my case 6gb unoffically, 4gb offically) running windows on a Mac is easy and fast-- i just give adequate disk space and 2 Gb of RAM.
There is a growing group on the Apple forums (macrumor and appleinsider) that are testing Win 7 RC on Macs (!) and I must tell you, the general opinion is very very favorable. Comments like 'they finally got it right' to 'fast and stable'. In a Mac forum this is tandimount to breaking one of the 10 Commandments. Oh, yes, there are blind fanboys who hate anything Micro$oft but, generally, the number of people impressed with Win 7 in Apple-land is growing. For Apple, a niche player in the OS world, this has to be of some concern. Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) is due in fall or earlier but if Win 7 continues to impress APPLE people, I can only imagine what its doing to people with large dollars invested in windows equipment.
And to Microsoft I say 'Bravo'. It took you a long while to get there but you finally did.