Locked Folders

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    Locked Folders

    I am really frustrated. I didn't even realize locked folders were a problem until I installed a particular game on my computer. On my old computer, there were several folders that aren't available on my new computer with Windows 7. I've been trying to figure out where the folders were for quite some time now. The game wasn't working quite right without being able to access all of the folders. Anyway, there is an option in the game to copy files. When I clicked that button, I could see the folders I was missing. They all had locks on them. I cannot see these folders when in windows explorer. I have tried to change permissions, sharing, etc, and nothing I do makes it where I can access the folders. The security for the folder (and the whole computer) say I have full access. I have even tried to uninstall and re-install the program. Anyone have any ideas?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate

    Hello CornCrazy, welcome to Seven Forums!

    They may be "Junction Points" and if so they're not accessible at all as they don't really exist; can/will you post a snip/screen-shot of the folder(s) in question; have a look at the tutorial at the link below.

    How to Post a Screenshot in Seven Forums
      My Computer


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