Sound through HDMI

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  1. Posts : 48
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    stormy13 said:
    now despite it being a 3 pin header, it only actually requires 2 wires. I am assuming the cable you have looks something like this one (minus the white connector),

    If so a sharp knife and a steady hand is all it will take to get it to fit. If the 4 pin connector is like the one above with both wires beside each other, then it is just a matter of cutting off the two unused ones, without cutting into where the wires are inserted.
    Attachment 91885
    Then it is juts a matter of connecting one end to the video card and the other to the SPDIF header on the motherboard. It may take a couple of tries to get it oriented the right way; it could be pins 1-2, 2-3, or at worst 1-3 which if that is the case will require splitting the now 2 wire connector into 2 1 wire connectors.
    Yeah, as the dude was telling me it I was thinking "you don't know what you're talkin about..."

    That is exactly what my cable is, WITH the white header even. Exact replica. BUT, instead of cutting the 4-pin, if I plug it into the 2-pin on the Graphics card, orienting it the same way the 2-pin is supposed to be (Black where black goes blue where blue goes), and then use the two-pin on the 3-pronged would that work?

    also then it could be 1-2, 1-2 (flip the black and blue around), 2-3, 2-3(flip the black and blue around), or at worst 3-1, 3-1(flip the black and blue around)

    then all I would need is trial and error?

    ALSO, will this 3-pin connector work and send sound through the HDMI while my on-board sound card is disabled because of the "after-market" sound card? Or should I remove that sound card FIRST, then attempt to get this working?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,879
    Win 7 Ultimate x64

    That is exactly what my cable is, WITH the white header even. Exact replica. BUT, instead of cutting the 4-pin, if I plug it into the 2-pin on the Graphics card, orienting it the same way the 2-pin is supposed to be (Black where black goes blue where blue goes), and then use the two-pin on the 3-pronged would that work?
    Seeing as it is the same as the one I posted and assuming the white end goes on the card, then yes it will work with the 2 pin as long as the cable is long enough.

    also then it could be 1-2, 1-2 (flip the black and blue around), 2-3, 2-3(flip the black and blue around), or at worst 3-1, 3-1(flip the black and blue around)

    then all I would need is trial and error?
    Yep. It should be 1-2, but you never know. You will also have to make sure you have the settings right in both the Windows and Realtek audio controls. If you can't get them right hopefully someone with a Nvidia card set up the same way will pop in and say which settings to use.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 48
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    stormy13 said:
    That is exactly what my cable is, WITH the white header even. Exact replica. BUT, instead of cutting the 4-pin, if I plug it into the 2-pin on the Graphics card, orienting it the same way the 2-pin is supposed to be (Black where black goes blue where blue goes), and then use the two-pin on the 3-pronged would that work?
    Seeing as it is the same as the one I posted and assuming the white end goes on the card, then yes it will work with the 2 pin as long as the cable is long enough.
    Actually, the white connector is for Eye Candy tbh.

    There are two black connectors each connected to a wire, the wires meet in the white connector to for a lopsided V shape. odd right?
      My Computer

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