Monitor Out of Range in windows 7

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64

    Monitor Out of Range in windows 7

    I have installed my Pc a new windoes 7 ultimate x64 then after installation after the logo it does'nt appear anything but i can hear sounds so i use a CRT monitor so it displayed on the CRT but on my LCD it does'nt i try going safe mode with my LCD and it works on Safe mode so i deactivated my Video card driver and run at normal mode then my LCD works but when i tried to install the driver of my video card LCD stop working it says "Signal Out of Range" so i tried hooking up my LCD to my Laptop and it does work (my laptops OS is Windows 7 x32) can anyone try to help me on this problem

    my PC spec
    Nvidia 9400GT 1gb 128bit
    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2ghz
    4gb Kingston PC 800
    motherboard:Gigabyte(forgot the model)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 384
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    Sounds like the driver is forcing a resolution or refresh rate that your monitor doesnt support.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 49
    Windows 7 Pro 32-bit

    Press F8 before Windows starts and choose "Last Good Configuration":
    I had the problem when i tried to select unavailable screen refresh rate and got that table flying on my screen.
      My Computer


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